Lookit what Fuu found 8D. // Fuu brings you moozak.

Jan 11, 2008 17:22

Tadaaaaaaah~ Say hello to my new shiny Eito ring 8DDD I was just poking around Chameleon in the mall where my mum's shop is and I found it in the rings cabinet. Snapped it up at once and there was even a 50% discount akakakkaka. So much win yeyyyyy

And also, my attempts at both Remioromen's Konayuki and K8's Eden. Listen prease? 8DDDD;;; Oh, and since lovesongxx put up the guitar chords for Ryo's code, I'll try playing that too and I'll upload it when I'm done XD

Download my rendition of Eden here and Konayuki over here

music, rl, k8, remioromen

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