- Providing historical background, The Chicago Tribune just last December noted in a front-page story: “Ironically, the holiday that "Christians" now complain is being co-opted by commercialism traces its roots to a pagan festival that was taken over by "Christianity"." (HOW IRONIC!!! The Bible condemns Christians from participating in anything that has to do with any unclean, pagan, Babylon the Great activity, YET "Christians" all over the world don't care what God says.-Isaiah 52:11 and Revelation 18:4)
- The first reported observance of Christmas as the birth of Jesus Christ was more than 300 years after the event. In the 4th Century, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, and, scholars believe, Christians set Jesus’ birthdate at Dec. 25 to coincide with existent celebrating by non-Christians.
- “‘Rather than battle against the pagan holidays, they decided to join them and try to replace them,’ said University of Utah professor Russell Belk . . . ‘The pagan holidays replaced by Christianity were the Roman celebrations of Saturnalia-which were carnivalesque celebrations with gift-giving-and later the Yule celebrations in England and Germany that celebrated the winter solstice,’ Belk said.
- “Christmas has gained and slipped in popularity over the centuries. It was banned for a time in England and America by Puritans who objected to the frivolity associated with it. But toward the mid-1800s, Belk said, ‘Christmas was in trouble, waning in popularity.’ He said religious leaders welcomed an injection of commerce, via gift-giving and Santa Claus, to revive the holiday.
So heres the breakdown off all this great information:
-Christmas was a combination of... a pagan holiday (in which people who worshipped other various gods and not the Christian god was) was combined with the idea from the FALSE Christian Church that they should take in this holiday to get in more of a "crowd" into their false church, no matter what it took.
-"Christians" nowadays do take note of this filthy holiday's backround, yet they only see it as a "nice little holiday where you can spend time with family". Spending time w/ family is great, but, in celebrating this holiday, one should take note what God himself says in the Bible at 2 Corinthians 6:14-16:
Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Or what portion does a faithful person have with an unbeliever? And what agreement does God’s temple have with idols?
Other facts include...
Christmas trees:
+Providing interesting insights into this matter, New York Newsday of December 22, 1992, quoted John Mosley, who wrote the book The Christmas Star: “Evidence for this is seen in the symbols of Christmas, Mosley said. Most obvious is the use of green plants, which symbolize life in a time of darkness and cold. ‘The most obvious green plant is the Christmas tree,’ he said. ‘And the northern Europeans celebrated the solstice in the forest; they worshiped trees. So the Christmas tree is really a throwback to tree worship in prehistoric times.’
+“Also, Mosley said, ‘What do you put on the trees? Lights. Light recalls the Sun and symbolizes the Sun. It’s for the rebirth of the Sun and the return of light after the solstice. The main things involved in solstice celebrations everywhere are light and green plants.
+“Dec. 25, he added, ‘was also the original date of the winter solstice, and many of the things we do now, and which we think are relatively modern Christmas customs, really trace their origins to the solstice celebrations.”
Did you know these facts?
* Jesus was not born on December 25.
* Shepherds in Israel had their sheep under cover in the depths of winter and not in the fields at night.
* The ‘wise men’ were in fact Magi, astrologers, and visited Jesus when he was a young child, not a baby.
* Nowhere does the Bible say that Christians are to celebrate the birth of Jesus. But there is an express command to commemorate his death.