I have a car!!!
"Sundrift" gold, 1999 Toyota Solara, purchased from a boy scout district commissioner no less!!!
I'm pretty sure her name is Bodhi. I'm used to spectacular things "just happening", but the incredible way she showed up completely knocked my socks off. It was just a little over 24 hours between stating what I wanted out loud and getting ~exactly~ that literally delivered to my door by friendly, good people. The ease, perfection, and joy of it literally left me stunned and babbling.
A lot of changes have been happening within me, but she represents an undeniable manifestation of what exactly is occurring. She is a harbinger of some foundational changes to my paradigm that, though absolutely excruciating when they began almost a year ago, have slowly but surely become nothing less than ecstatic now. When I pulled out of the driveway for the test drive, Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir" started playing. The moment when I drove off with her from the purchase, a gorgeous, passionate, somber, Argentinian song came on the radio with a chorus which went something like "Don't stop, I'm coming to you now."
No way am I turning back from this. It's not that you cease to feel fear or hurt or even are assured that the joy and gentleness will never go away. Instead everything, good, bad, ugly, and beautiful, becomes much more intensely ALIVE. Part of me trembles from the experience, from the hope that it is really, no really, not only allowed but MEANT TO BE this good. I'm stepping into something incredible now and thought I can't begin to understand it all from here, I can understand that I don't have to at this point. The best and perhaps only way to learn the steps is just to start dancing and let yourself be taken by the music.
Yes, it *is* just that beautiful.