drank a ridiculous amount of scotch last night. good stuff. rode in the garage for a good long while early this morning. missed a hard turn and face-planted into the wall. never had facial road rash. i think i re-broke my shoulder. possibly my wrist too. sorry about yer bike bryan. lemme know what that's gonna run. colony tomorrow. change of
hendrick's is the best gin on the planet. must be taken in moderation though. dangerous stuff. met the gentleman that runs nine eyes. good guy. excited. excited. organized my records all afternoon and then fucked with a canvas to little avail. still can't get my tape deck to work. i gotta pick some songs.
this shit's finally wrappin' up. dammit, the bar is especially trashy this evenin'. shit. i feel awful, then the night gets more fucked up. that was fucking ridiculous. were you here, you'd know. poor fucker. '06 is nearly here and the relief provided will be intense. keep dancing, you. dammit. i need to read more.