Title: Time to Live
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Blue!Ten / Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Summary: This was their world now and it was time for her to live it.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to BBC and RTD & Co.
Notes: Prompt #8 - Our Own World for
30_kisses (Doctor [all] and Rose Tyler). Non-beta'd, all errors are mine. Jumble thoughts. Spoiler up to 4x13. Originally posted over
Every year Rose she had been here she made a trip to Bad Wolf Bay. Her mum stopped accompanying her when she was pregnant. She thought it was nice to be alone for once.
This year the day had moved and she had too many things to do but she still found the time to come back here. As she stood on the soft sand, she stared at the spot where the TARDIS last stood. There was no evidence of it ever being here, but in her mind, she could still picture the blue telephone box. The door slightly opened and the Doctor - no, not hers anymore - and his back facing her and he stepped into his ship and sailed away.
The second time hurt even more. The first time she knew she was trapped here, but there was always that sliver of hope that she would find her way back, back to his world. But this time, there was no way she could rip another hole in the fabric of time to see him again. Even she couldn’t do that to the universes. The second time he walked away from her. At least the first time he faded away and she had the chance to see his face one last time.
He came with her. He insisted really. She didn’t know how much she needed him here until he took hold of her hand, his fingers entwined with hers. They stood on the same spot from before - when they said one last goodbye.
(Rose was alone in a world where she didn’t belong (please - Rose was a dog). She found her way back to her world to her Doctor and she was banished here again.)
But this time she wasn’t alone. She had him by her side. She turned to him and squeezed his hand softly and he smiled. And this was their world. While they could no longer travel across the universe, this was still their world.
She let go of his hand and walked to where the TARDIS last stood in their world. She fell to her knees and the tears uncontrollably leaked and slid down her face. She furiously wiped them away from her face but they kept flowing. He moved from his spot and wrapped his skinny arms around her quivering body. He kissed her hair and held onto her tightly as her sobbing lessened. His presence soothed her more than she would ever admit to. She closed her eyes and for that one moment she pretended that he was him. The moment passed quickly and she loosened his grip on her and sat down on the sand.
She grinned, eyes still puffy and tears staining her cheeks, and stared at his beautiful face. She pulled him to her and kissed him, the only way she knew how. He gently pushed her down to the sand, never breaking the kiss. He felt his warm body against her and sighed. This was their world now and it was time for her to live it.