December 20 2009

Sep 08, 2009 20:08

On this issue we shall discuss manga, and sims2...

And all the problems and questions that come with them. Huh, our language is SO colourful...


8:49 PM
me: was already on silly

Brittaney: do you have any idea how much shit the sims is giving me

me: watching Rosario vampire

Brittaney: good for you, i've spent the last 3hrs doing jack shit
8:50 PM
how the hell am i supposed to play when i need divX player version 9!?

me: ???

Brittaney: exactly
8:51 PM
me: sorry

download it off the net?

Brittaney: it says that i'm not allowed to play unless i have divx player 9

me: get it off the net?

Brittaney: that's what i've been doing for the past hour
8:52 PM
me: ...

8:54 PM
Brittaney: for some reason i just can't seem to find it anywhere on the net. dam i've got a headache
8:57 PM
what should i do?
8:58 PM
me: I'm not sure

let me surf a bit
8:59 PM
Brittaney: ok, say don't you have it already. Imean you can play sims
9:00 PM
me: yes?

I guess

somewherein program files I guess

Oh check out for the latest package of windows media player.

should be in there.
9:01 PM
Brittaney: you mean i should download the latest version of windows media player?

me: yes.
9:02 PM
should work then

Brittaney: ok i'll give it a try

me: if not, I dunno I'll keep surfing 4 u.

Brittaney: shot thanks.
9:06 PM
it's direct x not divx...

no wonder i can't find it on the net
9:07 PM
me: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

hey did it work?

Brittaney: no gotta downlaod direct version 9 first
9:11 PM
9:12 PM
nope, still didn't work
7 minutes
9:20 PM
me: shit

Brittaney: it's ok i'll figure something out...

me: eh????

Brittaney: well before i completely destroy my pc....
9:21 PM
i hope

me: hmmm, I can't find any good sites

it's killing me and all these tech terminology is killing my head.
9:22 PM
Brittaney: terminology?
6 minutes
9:28 PM
Brittaney: i have to restart my comp will be back soon
6 minutes
9:34 PM
9 minutes
9:44 PM
Brittaney: thanks
9:45 PM
me: does it work?

Brittaney: dunno, i'll find out just now
9 minutes
9:54 PM
Brittaney: anyways while its downlaoding have you written anymore of your book?
9:55 PM
me: no.

watching anime~


I feel at peace~
9:56 PM
Brittaney: hahaha your gonna lose track of your book....

or worse...

i might kill you...


me: eh he he....
9:57 PM
Brittaney: mmmm...

you better watch yourself

he he he
9:58 PM
so what you watching

and i know anime

but which one?

me: Shaman king

poor kid just got beaten up

Brittaney: yeah i don't like him
9:59 PM
me: Kinda hard to get used to the style tho.

Brittaney: though the other kid is pretty cool


me: I like the other kid

he's cute

and he wears his earphones just like Andrew does

Brittaney: i always new you had fucked up tastes...sheeesh
10:00 PM
me: hahahaha~

Brittaney: haha yeah i can imagine so

me: I like him more than drew tho.
10:01 PM
Brittaney: FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

me: not working?
10:02 PM


me: dude...

don't kill your pc...


10:03 PM
me: .... :) poor pc...
10:04 PM
Brittaney: NO POOR ME!

me: Hahhaha~

happy for the poor sims you can't torment yet though~
10:05 PM
Brittaney: you're not helping my mood!
10:07 PM
me: ...sorry?
10:08 PM
Brittaney: i'm sure you are
10:09 PM
me: course you know how I feel

so is it working now?
10:10 PM
Brittaney: what do you think?
10:11 PM
me: okaaay

how about now?

Brittaney: ha no
10:12 PM
me: oh.

Keep trying?
10:13 PM
Brittaney: its like the only thing i can do

me: hmmm it's worth it in the end? Think about naming one of your sims PC and about how much fun you can got hrough killing it.
10:16 PM
Brittaney: now that i think about maybe my computer is deliberately not letting me play sims because it knows i'll do just that! KILL IT!!!! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!

well it's aplauseable theory

though i doubt it

me: lol

death by burning or drowning
10:17 PM
it's quite amusing

or death by falling off stairs.

Brittaney: a slow burn should let this computer understand that it should not mess with me in anyway
10:18 PM
me: lolz

is it wworking now what's the prob?
10:20 PM
Brittaney: i need to find graphic compartible software, i've downloaded Direct X but now i need the graphic software or it won't run

me: damn...
10:21 PM
Brittaney: your tellin me

me: Glad my laptop has so many things already on it...

Brittaney: iim down to my last nail!!!

me: nail...

Brittaney: lame...

i don't like you anymore
10:22 PM
yeah i bite my nails when i'm really pissed

me: Me or your pc?

Brittaney: BOTH!

me: Ah...
10:23 PM
Get a new pc?

Directx, graphics card drivers

what exaclty do you need.

Graphic oftware is turning up too many things for me to surf
10:24 PM
Brittaney: Compatible graphic software for direct X 9
10:25 PM
me: What error message you getting?
10:28 PM
Brittaney: it's ok i've found out something interesting let me re-install my graphic card drivers

me: is it working?
10:29 PM
Brittaney: hold on let me find my computer disks first
10:30 PM
ok found them gonna re-install now
10:33 PM
this is gonna take awhile...
10:34 PM
me: i see...
10:35 PM
Brittaney: ok gotta restart my computer again

i'll be back
22 minutes
10:57 PM
Brittaney: what version of media player do you have?

windows i mean
10:58 PM
me: dunno

Brittaney: could you check for me
10:59 PM
me: how?

Brittaney: pk never mind


me: sorry...
11:00 PM
Brittaney: its ok

man i need some coffee

me: Oh me

7 minutes
11:08 PM
Brittaney: mmmm yummy


I think i'll beable to relax abit now and take on my emensly irritating computer
11:09 PM
me: haha~

caffeine addict


just a question but...
11:10 PM
don't you ract rather badly to coffee?


Brittaney: that's why i 'm havind decaf

me: Ahhh...


yes we ought to invest in decaf at our place.
11:11 PM
Brittaney: it's a little trick i use on my energy system. it's like saying to a druggy this joint is full of weed when in actual fact its not

yes i agree big time on the one
11:12 PM
me: :P

Brittaney: they still end up "acting" high. Samething with m y energy stsyem

me: well you technically live here I suppose got to stock up.

Brittaney: yup, hey it's like you lost a bro but always had a younger sis
11:13 PM
me: younger my ass.

I don't care why Courtz calls me an old soul but you dear are WAY older than me.
11:14 PM
Brittaney: i no

i've just downloaded media player version 11
11:15 PM
me: working?

Brittaney: doesn't look that much different to my old version

let me try

me: okies~
11:16 PM
Brittaney: ok i OFFICALLY give up!

its impossible!
11:17 PM
there's noway my computer is gonna run this bloody game!

so i give up

me: :)

Brittaney: You hear me computer: YOU FUCKING WIN!

me: guess you can always play it at my place then~ with it keepin on dying on you~

11:18 PM
Brittaney: HA like you'll let me within 20 feet of your computer

me: good point
11:19 PM
Brittaney: no fact
10 minutes
11:30 PM
me: you still alive or have you killed your pc?
11:31 PM
Brittaney: it'll die from being scrap metal tomorrow, so yeah i'm still alive
11:32 PM
me: wonder if your dad will buy you a new one?
11:33 PM
Brittaney: fuck no
11:34 PM
me: :P

So not like Doms dad then~

11:35 PM
Brittaney: not even close, if i scrap the pc i bought i replace it

me: ah....

you got the cash to do that? I suggest appl.e
11:36 PM
Brittaney: ha no i'm getting a laptop when i go overseas middle of next year so yeah i guess i gotta live with the heep of junk til then
11:37 PM
me: lolz~

oh sorry you are NOT taking my sims 2 wwith you then.

Brittaney: hello i'm talking about the euro trip

Genius, sheesh
11:39 PM
me: ah...

I knew that...

of course...

Brittaney: sure you did
11:41 PM
me: course.
11:42 PM
Brittaney: ahuh, that's why you immediately wanted your games back hey, because you knew
11:43 PM
me: uh hmmm...


to make sure the codes were still in them~ Ah he he he...
11:44 PM
Brittaney: yeah of course i mean i would also capitalise me words just cause i wanted to make sure my dearest friend had all the right codes, cause i mean she wouldn't ever find the on the internet even overseas
11:45 PM
me: yes

of course

so you do undestand~
11:46 PM
hows you decaf?

Brittaney: oh shit thanks for reminding me....

it's cold
11:47 PM
me: lol
11:48 PM
Brittaney: but it still tastes good

me: :D

strange person Tao ren is an odd boy...
11:49 PM
Brittaney: who?
11:50 PM
me: shaman king...

Brittaney: oh, i only watched the 1st 2 epi's so yeah i've no clue who you mean
11:51 PM
me: he's wierd

tho I do like the main dude

his laid back attitude is SO like Kakashi
11:52 PM
and if Kakashi was a girl I suspect she would be like the snow woman in Rosario Vampire

Brittaney: i knew you were going to compare one of the characters to kakashi

me: :D

Brittaney: yet again another comparison
11:53 PM
me: yup

well you WERE waiting for it.

Brittaney: sure sure
11:54 PM
me: mmhmm
11:55 PM
Brittaney: hey in legal drug do the two teenagers get together?

me: no

Brittaney: ah lame i thought that they would have made a good couple
11:56 PM
me: they wouldve.

Brittaney: how, tell me more?
11:57 PM
me: eh? just agreeing with you
11:58 PM
Brittaney: oh i see, lame
11:59 PM
me: yus.

Brittaney: don't agree i'm calling you lame...baka
12:00 AM
me: ah...


surprised your pc is still alive...
12:01 AM
Brittaney: oh it's on the verge of "falling" off the edge of my desk
12:02 AM
me: poor pc
12:03 AM
Brittaney: poor me, why you siding- oh no i get it it's cause both of you are asian made. Oh i see where your loyalties lie

me: yup
12:04 AM
mind you I'm proudly south african but the egg and sperm the accidentally made me were supplied by asia.
12:05 AM
Brittaney: yeah so now i understand why you feel sorry for the machanical garbage

me: yup

AND that it's owned by you.

Brittaney: i really don't like you
12:06 AM
me: ah...

anything new?

Brittaney: nope

and you?
12:07 AM
me: I have anime to watch!
12:08 AM
Brittaney: ooooh good for you, and i have cigarettes to smoke
12:09 AM
me: lol

Brittaney: its true
Brittaney is not available to chat


Brittaney Day to me
show details 12/20/08

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1:08 AM
Brittaney: Oh i hate least bloody finish the godam manga. sheesh
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