Ready to throw down the towel

May 27, 2007 22:48

I know I shouldn't give up on my one and only way to survive in the universe (i.e. my towel) but I am just about ready to throw down the proverbial towel when it comes to banking.

Let my year of financial frustrations serve as a warning: avoid Bank of America and loser roommates.

I'm aware that I'm not the best when it comes to my money. I'm no spendthrift but I'm not the best at recording the checks I do write to buy groceries, pay the bills and cover the occasional haircut. But when I go to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account and I have to do that more than once a month you, Mr. Bank, have absolutely no right to charge me for budgeting my money. It's mine. I earned it. And I will put it in whatever account I darn well please.

This isn't the first time I've been frustrated with them. In the fall I discovered the joys of their monthly service fees just because my work doesn't believe in direct deposit. So they're taking money out of my account because of something I have absolutely no control over. I gave them a second chance though because my local banker is a nice man and slipped me a temporary fix by labeling me as a student. Well I guess they put a stop to my non-student status which is fine because once these last few checks clear I'll put a stop to my account with them.

Any tales of woe I should be aware of with Wachovia or BB&T? How about SunTrust? I'm sticking with national chains because I don't want to have to find a new bank (again) the next time I move.

Maybe Bank of America works for established adult people but I don't recommend it for the post-collegiate psedo-poor kid.
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