Roughly a year and some change after starting this I looked back over my ultimate To Do list. Some things are no longer list worthy. I guess I grew up a little bit more?
For example, I don't want to be a library scientist anymore. Instead, I'd like to learn to snowboard. As though falling down the mountain on skis wasn't good enough...
001. Identify all the nameless songs on my iTunes
002. Learn to play at least two songs on Dad’s harmonica
003. Fix Marilyn’s G-string,
004. Keep Marilyn tuned
005. Practice violin at least half an hour 4 times a week
006. Buy lingerie and don’t wait for a special occasion to wear it Completed 11-07-08
007. If I haven’t moved back home by 24th birthday, adopt a cat/kitten from animal shelter or no kill shelter Moved home one week before 24th birthday. Failed. Moved home one week before 24th birthday.
008. Buy a universal handcuff key and keep it about my person at all times
009. Figure out how to display shuriken
010. Display shuriken
011. Finish patchwork knitted blanket
012. Call home at least once a week…returning messages doesn’t count
013. Extend olive branch of civility to ex-best friend Completed Aug. 2008
014. Buy potted parsley and keep it alive First attempt Aug. 2008
015. Actually eat a meal in the Big Chicken Completed 02-26-08
016. Choreograph belly dance to “The World Is Not Enough”
017. Clean my bathroom fully at least once a month (tub, sink, toilet, mirrors, floor)
018. Put clothes away within 24 hours of hanging them out to dry
019. Get a job that doesn’t leave my regretting my existence/choices by the time I turn 25...Not likely but executing new direction as of 1-20-09
020. Learn to use a comma
021. Get the $2,000 back from Amelia Not going to happen.
022. Eat better (3 meals a day)
023. Be able to run 5 miles by 25th birthday Ran 3 miles Oct. 2008
024. Visit Walt Disney World and actually ride the roller coasters
025. Make picture frame of me as a kid for Mom and Dad Completed 10-23-08
026. Frame diploma
027. Frame family pictures
028. Go to a Ducks home game with Monica and wear jerseys
029. Visit Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta Drove past it but didn’t get to visit before I moved.
030. Find and photograph “Athens/Rome” sign from regatta days
031. Design Owen’s ring Tattooed capital letter A, 11-11-8
032. Wear dress that was purchased in 2007 for no other reason than it was pretty and the store was going out of business Completed 11-01-08
033. Pick up one piece of trash a day from the street, sidewalk, general environment
034. Be able to bend down and touch my toes
035. Be able to bend down and strike the secretary pose
036. Submit something to skirt!
037. Submit something to some other literary magazine/publication
038. Read and decide what to do with 10 books on Mlle. Holt shelf (5/10)
039. Read about George Plimpton
040. Read something by George Plimpton
041. Read Nellie Bly’s “10 Days In a Madhouse” book
042. Read “The Screwtape Letters”
043. Participate in the Gobble Jog or some other Thanksgiving Day jog
044. Take a photography class
045. Pay off Mallory before her scheduled due date (Sept. 2010)
046. Write a letter to someone once a month
047. Renew passport
048. Plan a trip out of the country
049. Save up for out of country excursion
050. Take said trip our of country
051. Do roll of film documenting three states on state road trip (0/3)
052. Participate in NaNoWriMo again 11-01-08 to 1-30-08
053. Cut out and file 2 newspaper articles a day until clips file is complete
054. Write everyday
055. For every knitting project completed in 1001 make five squares for Warm Up America
056. Give blood 3 times a year for every year in 1001 (once on or near my birthday, once in the summer, once in the fall)
057. Learn the phonetic alphabet and practice so that spelling my name as Charlie Romeo India Sierra Sierra Uniform Poppa comes naturally
058. Learn to handle and fire a gun
059. Take a sign language class
060. Buy a meal for a stranger
061. Marry Owen or move on Completed and married 10-31-08 and 11-01-08
062. Make out a list and mail Christmas cards
063. Donate a can of food to MUST Ministries for every dish in the fridge that went moldy before it could be fully consumed
064. Write down at least one good thing that happens each day
065. Send flowers to Mom for no good reason other than she likes flowers
066. Give time or make a donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation on behalf of Aunt Patti Completed 09-27-08 when participated in Wichita Susan G. Komen Race for the cure…in 2009 run in the 5K
067. Perform at a cabaret or other belly dance night
068. Assemble/buy a belly dance costume
070. Take inventory of clothes in closet and dressers at beginning and end of 1001 (1/2)
071. If I can’t remember when I last wore something from the inventory take it to Goodwill (1/2)
072. Finish state quarter collection Completed 12-22-08
073. Start loose change tin
074. Keep track of money in tin, deposit it after a year then at end of 1001 multiply it by 10 and donate that money to charity (1-15-09 = $21.50)
075. Research and find a charity Mary Washington Fencing Club
076. Go for a carriage ride
077. Go for a hot air balloon ride
078. Read contents of one full page from Books book
079. Visit New Orleans on Mardi Gras
080. Keep the condo tidy for one month
081. Have a tarot reading done
082. See a movie at a drive-in theater
083. Read the Bible
084. Find a place where I can connect with God
085. Mail my secret to PostSecret
086. Renew CPR and First Aid certification
087. Keep it updated
088. Learn to knit socks
089. Make Mom socks
090. Do 5 pull-ups without help
091. Become ambidextrous
092. Tie my shoes tightly using only corresponding hand
093. Write to Mlle. Holt
094. Write to Mrs. Cox
095. Relearn to sing 5 Christmas songs in French
096. Figure out the origins of my last name
097. Save up for an hour long deep tissue massage every six months during 1001
098. Go to a college football game
099. Research and follow presidential candidate Failed to follow Obama
100. Learn to snowboard
101. Learn to be a mechanic