Profile Meme

Jul 20, 2018 01:09

Fill this out so we can learn more silly/useless important information about your character :O (A lot of it can be copied and pasted from the app >_>)

Note: Use an LJ-Cut and the Date Out of Order to prevent f-list flood spam.

[Character Name]
[Point Taken from Canon]

[Age] Can be fudged.
[Sexual Orientation] Homo/Hetero

[Eye Color]
[Hair Color]
[Other] Any other significant physical features, like missing an eye or something.
[Clothing] Optional. Brief description or link to an image will work~



[Specialties/Abilities] Any powers or special talents they may have :O

[Affection] What type of affections are allow/disallowed and would your character do this to others?

[Fighting] Can other characters fight/injure/kill your character? You can also mention how well your character is at fighting and if he/she would invoke fights.

[Other Permissions] Can telepathic characters read your character's mind? How much can fourth wall breakers say? In other words, how intrusive can another character be toward yours? If there's anything you don't want a character to bring up or know about your character, just fill it in here.

[Other Facts] Anything else can go here~

guidelines, profile meme

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