Moon Cycle 75: 7/20 - 7/29 - New Moon Event

Jul 20, 2011 01:14

❖ MOON CYCLE 75 ❂ 07/20/11 - 07/29/11

Phase: New Moon. The nights are pitch black with only one purple star.

Weather: Compared to last week, the weather is actually rather stable this time around. Lots of wind and cloudy days with mildly warm temperatures.























☀ - Sunny/Clear | ☁ ☀ - Sunny but cloudy | ☁ - Overcast | ≈ - Windy | ☂ - Rainy | ☂☂ - Stormy | + any other combination

Effects: Anything goes! No particular theme or trend this time around. However, for anyone who notices the different colored lights that are emitted after every dream, they will notice that the color is completely random. One dream could be blue while another could be red. In fact, the end of their dream will actually be tinted in that color. It will be as if some strange colored filtered light was used on the dream. Color choice is completely up to the player. There is no particular meaning to the color.

Notes: New Moon Event!
  • Repair Progress. Other than a few buildings still be renovating everything is completely repaired-except the Industrial District. The outer boundaries and any apartments that characters are living in will be completely restored, but that inner district is a complete mess. In fact, it looks a little...strange?

  • Industrial District. Barriers and gates have been erected all around the inner slums of the district. What look to be armed military soldiers and police could be found stationed at each one and even patrolling the area. Anyone who tries to go in will be warded off-but that doesn't mean one can't sneak or even force their way through. But maybe it's better you don't venture in. It's gotten more dangerous since last week that dried blood spatter on that wall?

  • Nycteren. It looks like they've been waiting for the new moon. The moment that last sliver of dim light disappears form the sky, the sounds of their low growling can be heard more often-even within the safer areas of Somarium. But though they are hard, they can't be seen. They like to attack in stealth, especially with the recent NPC involvement. But again, they are nocturnal. Daytime is always least nycteren attacks. Be careful when walking out at night. For more information about how the nycteren work, refer to this post.

  • The military has arrived. So those weird NPCs. The ones that have been pretty rude and not liked by anyone. The truth is, they're actually military NPCs. Where they came from or where they were originally stationed at is still unclear, but perhaps that will be answered sometime this week. All that's for sure is they are now no longer trying to failpass as normal citizens and are donning their uniforms, barking orders at people, and basically being an annoyance in general. However, a lot of people will be glad they're around.

  • Hostile NPC attacks. Starting Friday, July 22 sometime around evening, those NPCs from the Industrial District are breaking loose and attacking everyone they see-including the characters. In fact, they'll seem very odd.
    • As if they were possessed. Their speech, movements, even look suggests that they are possessed by something. What exactly, no one can say for sure, but they're definitely not thinking or acting clearly. They also have this starved, almost drained look to them. Definitely not healthy and let's not ask when the last time they took a bath was.

    • Dark purple eyes. If you thought red eyes were creepy, try thinking of purple. But this will be the tell-tale sign that an attacking NPC is possessed. (Note: If your character has natural dark purple eyes...well it shouldn't be too hard to convince people you're sane, right?)

    • Extremely violent. Either using their fists, a handmade weapon, or a machine gun, these guys mean business. Though they will attack other NPCs, their real goal is you. They'll be actively prowling and will attack any character they see out on the street. They may even break into dwellings to try and get to them. Why?

    • Dream energy hungry. Oh, that's why. For those who may not know (but will definitely soon!) dream energy is like the another type energy of Somarium. It runs alongside heat, oil, electricity, etc. But it's more powerful than that. And the source? Yep, you guessed it. Your characters' dreams. So those crazy NPCs may be trying to grab everyone and try to stick some weird thing on their forehead. Actually it might look familiar. A nice, little purple gemstone. Huh, now why do they look like the ones on those nycteren... Now it's completely optional whether or not they actually succeed in sticking it on, so here's what happens for each scenario:
      • Default: Failure. By default, they will be unsuccessful. Either one of the military NPCs will dispatch and save your character, or someone else will if you want to plot it out. So if you just want your character attacked but don't want to have that weird gemstone attaching, that's perfectly cool. Just remember that unless otherwise desired, NPC will save the day!

      • Optional: Success. If you do want your character to become a victim, then the NPC will stick that gemstone right smack dab in the center of the character's forehead. It will actually do that creepy embedding sort of deal that usually happens, too. Now, your character will not be possessed, but they will incredibly weak and drained. Any dreams will be dark. Not necessary nightmareish, but they can be. Each dream will make them weaker. This includes any not broadcast on the network-meaning that whenever they fall asleep, they will most likely wake up feeling like their life energy was sucked out of them.

      • Removal. Should the gemstone implantation be successful, it can be removed. However, it involves acquiring a special medicine that won't be available until Wednesday, July 27. Why so long? Well they had to make it, of course. But once taken, the gemstone will crack and disintegrate. Characters will still feel weak and have weird dreams as a side effect, but after a few days of rest they should be back to normal.

      • Can we keep the gemstones? In the case that the gemstone implantation was a failure, it is possible to keep the gemstones. Characters won't be able to use it or implant them on anyone else (they can certainly try, but it will just fall off harmlessly). Inspection of the gemstone will reveal that its structure is a strange crystal with a dark, black cloud inside it.
    • Can be killed. They are actually very easy to kill and shouldn't be too difficult. But for some reason the numbers just keep coming.

    • So...they're like. Zombies. Without being undead and eating brains, yeah sure.

    • NPC journal control. If you'd like to help out, players can actually sign-up and volunteer to act as a crazy NPC for logs. The NPCs can also be godmodded within threads, so no actual NPC journal is needed. But if you would like to tag an actual journal, let us know and we'll work something out. Or maybe you'd like a surprise attack instead?

  • More military reinforcements. The possessed NPCs will continue their attacks all through the event, and it might feel overwhelming as the days drag on. But on Wednesday, July 27, more military units will appear. In fact, this time everyone will be able to see where they're coming from: all around the desert. North, South, East, West-trucks and vans filled with more military NPCs will be pouring in to help quell the attackers. They will also be bringing in some of the medicine. Now, where the hell did they come from? Good question. Maybe they'll answer once this is all over. But until then, they'll just say, "Need to know only, now get out of our way!" Seriously, these military people need to learn some manners, huh?

  • Final Finish. The event will end on Friday, July 29 with an interesting twist. What is it, you ask? Just wait and see! But we can say that the crazy NPCs will either be returned to normal or eliminated. One way or another, things will have returned to normal by that weekend.

  • COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. You do not have to have your character participate in this event. Most of the attacks will occur at night, and it's actually rather easy to evade detection. However, we do realize that this does set a sort of "survival horror" theme similar to the flood. Participation is not mandatory.

If you have any questions or concerns, just comment to this post.

!moon cycle, !overlord

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