The Activity Check is now over. Included is every friend add/remove for the month in case anyone had missed it. They are grouped in the following order: AC results, F-Remove, F-Add. It also includes the various journalname changes for some character journals, so please be sure to update your F-Lists! You can use the Admin Console
friend remove bakaicenine
friend remove createsoblivion
friend remove endnirvash
friend remove heroofooo
friend remove sansdoucefolie
friend remove shiroganes
friend remove sonotangelic
friend remove stocking_you
friend remove timeticksaway
friend remove atoli_in_sky
friend remove carpo_vita
friend remove cleansingitalia
friend remove codenamehero
friend remove flame_ablazed
friend remove effurl33tspeak
friend remove girlpowertouka
friend remove grievinggreaves
friend remove itwashersled
friend remove thebrothersplay
friend remove thebrothersploy
friend remove xsillygoround
friend remove 1thingincommon
friend remove 47_l0w
friend remove discardedpiece
friend remove givemenames
friend remove hinacle
friend remove sinnerofdreams
friend remove slantedcross
friend remove beamishly
friend remove boat_lights
friend remove foulballs
friend remove kyudousha
friend remove ofnoise
friend remove periphrasing
friend remove reconciliate
friend remove roseonrepeat
friend remove skycutting
friend remove soleilesque
friend add fuharenjin
friend add ofredemption
friend add taopioca
friend add ackupunctured
friend add beats_zelos
friend add combiplay
friend add foreversorryorz
friend add helpfulmagica
friend add needs_yayness
friend add partplayed
friend add pinkbridgebunny
friend add royallullabies
friend add silentlipsofsin
friend add storychained
friend add stupidusagi
friend add toyingwith
friend add wavecresting
friend add aizensrainman
friend add bandersmash
friend add darkraid
friend add glenbaskerville
friend add lacrosseracket
friend add mistdaughter
friend add punti
friend add stickinmypants
friend add avengesthesky
friend add daienkai
friend add focusrelay
friend add furorimperator
friend add hasa_big_sword
friend add hellsingmaster
friend add innocentart
friend add knightofcosmos
friend add kokirihero
friend add linkings
friend add rides_dragons
friend add soulsymmetrical
friend add uncute_one
friend add unluckystray
friend add wickedcultured
❖ MOON CYCLE 56 ❂ 03/01/11 - 03/07/11
Phase: Three-fourths waning. Like last time, nothing particularly special to note about the moon. The night skies will vary from being clear to overcast.
Weather: The fog has finally cleared its way through Somarium, and Spring is just around the corner. The temperatures hover at about 68 °F with cooler evenings dropping to about 58 °F. There's more mist that hangs around during early mornings, but it clears up by around 10 A.M. Patches of rain occur in various, random locations throughout Somarium, particularly during the late evening. Also, trying something a little different with the calendar. Now we have symbols!
☁ ☂
☀ ☂
☀ - Sunny/Clear
☀ ☂ - Sunny/Rainy
☁ - Overcast
☁ ☂ - Cloudy/Rainy
Effects: Nothing for this week!
- Reconstruction progress. The fog had put some setbacks in the reconstruction, but now that it's cleared everything is back underway.
- Fog cleared. The fog has passed through Somarium, and all those feelings of nostalgia and strange shadows left with it.
- Memory Card. It looks like the fog left behind a little memento. All characters currently in Somarium will find a card resting next to their Dreamberry. The back is plain, but the front will have some sort of picture or symbol on it. It will represent one memory for that character. This memory can be good or bad, silly or significant. It's up to you. For those who were around for the crystals last year, characters may recall that they seem rather similar. However, these cards serve a very different purpose.
- Use. The first time a character sees the card, they will have this inexplicable urge to pick it up and will already start recalling some parts of whatever memory that card represents. Just like the other cards that can be found in Somarium, the Memory Card needs to be swiped into the Dreamberry before it can be "activated". However, instead of being "forced" to swipe it like normal cards, characters have the option on whether or not to swipe the card-even for the first time. That is to say, it is possible for a character to never swipe and activate the card.
- Upon activation. Should a character swipe the card, there are no physical and mental changes. Instead, the memory itself plays on the Dreamberry just like any other normal video. These are not broadcast and only play to the owner. The memory will feel very real to the character, almost as if they were re-experiencing whatever the memory is.
- Multiple use. A character can "replay" the memory as often as they want. Think of the card as an old home movie video.
- Cannot be discarded. No matter what the character does to it-throw it away, cut it to pieces, burn it-the card will somehow for no apparent reason find its way back.
The cards may not seem much at the moment, but they will get a bit more interesting in the upcoming weeks. Since these are special cards and event related, they are not listed on the main Cards list. New arrivals will receive their own special Memory Card in the following Moon Cycles.
And that's it for this week. If you have any questions or concerns, just comment here!