fiveminutefail and
Where: Somni, in a random park
Style: I’ll match!
Status: OPEN ♥
He’d been there for about a month now, and he didn’t quite know how to handle that. He missed everything from home, a lot more than he thought he would, should everything just up and disappear one day. It wasn’t like he hadn’t ever thought of that possibility, he’d unfortunately adapted to the absence of important people in his life. The death of his late wife, the fact that he didn’t live with this family, the fact that he could die in his line of work…
He’d thought of and experienced loss, but never to this degree. It was different, being only a train ride away, as opposed to an entire realm. He could visit if he managed to slip away from work (or if a bridge didn’t explode on his way) but here, here he couldn’t do anything but wait.
He always missed her, his daughter, but her absence had stung especially bad since his arrival here, and walking by places like the park, which was where he was currently situated, only added salt to that wound. He was a little too old for the park, a full-grown man, above average build, and quite tall, everything just seemed so much smaller in comparison.
That didn’t matter though. It never stopped him in the past, and probably never would.
He walked through the sand, mindful of it only so it wouldn’t get in his shoes, and took a seat on the springy tiger (only taking note of the irony as he kicked half-heartedly with a long leg to make it move.) He could’ve sat on the bench, perhaps on a swing, maybe even on the stairs leading up to the slide, but no. This seemed a lot more appropriate, and more fun for that matter.
He rested his elbow on the tiger’s head and a fist under his chin, simply enjoying the gentle bobbing of the park toy, and reminisced. He wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.