Who: Karina Lyle (currently Blue Rose) and You!
Where: Somni.
Style: Whichever
Status: Open!
[It taken her a moment, initially, to pull herself together and realize that she wasn't home. Seeing Kotetsu like that one moment and being here the next was disorienting enough; but not even knowing where she was really didn't help. She had dried her tears and made her way to what looked like civilization slowly, though in the beginning her mind wasn't all there.
What about Kotetsu? Barnaby? The others? Nothing made sense. Nothing had been making any sense. She wanted to be back with her friends, with Kotetsu...even though he was dead. It just seemed fitting for her to be with him at the moment, but obviously that wasn't what was planned for her.
As much as she tried to cover it up, she was torn. She didn't want to be here, but as far as she could tell, there was also no way out.
Now, she was in the middle of what looked like a city, but not any city she'd ever personally been in. It had taken her a while to get here from her appearance in the field, and she had been hoping for more familiar territory.
But, with a sinking feeling, she finally gave up on hoping this was all just a big misunderstanding. Had she somehow fallen into another trap? There did seem to be others here, but so far, there was nobody she recognized. That didn't mean anything though - this could be more elaborate than she thought.
It wouldn't be the first time.
So she wanders through the streets, on alert and ready for anything to give her a clue to where she was.
Finally she stops. This wasn't getting her anywhere - she had to ask someone what was going on.
But who?]
What's going on...?
[She's trying to be brave. After everything she had seen and been through, and being here...it's her job as Blue Rose to stay strong.
But how could she stay strong, when she was so scared right now?]