Alice Liddell 035 // Ringing in My Head

Nov 14, 2011 14:56

Who: Alice Liddell and Somarium
Where: Near the Rose Academy
Style: I'll match
What: The after-effect from the nightmare is rearing its head
Status: OPEN

She had been struggling to hide how she was feeling. Ever since her nightmare, her head had been hurting. At first it was a dull pain, something she sometimes got from just crying too much. That was what she thought it was, in fact. A simple little headache from crying. Then the headache kept going. She didn't think crying would have caused such a headache. Except then her headache kept going and growing. It had gotten so bad that she was having trouble seeing things. Every day things got worse until it practically hurt to move. Her very fingernails hurt and she didn't want to move lest everything start spinning. Her cheeks felt hot and flushed and even her cheeks hurt. Her teachers kept giving her worried glances until one finally sent her to the nurse.

Except Alice had done something very bad on her part. She didn't go to the nurse. If she went to the nurse she would call her brother, and Tamaki already had Haruhi to take care of at the moment. Instead, Alice left the school. It was a remarkable effort on her part since even walking was getting difficult.

Her head was pounding, it was if a million Queen of Hearts were all yelling and shouting and everyone was playing croquet in her head. She was in tears as she finally got past the school gates and everything was spinning. She blinked when she saw the Mad Hatter standing in front of her. She blinked and he was gone. She must be going mad, she thought. No... she really couldn't think. Thinking hurt at the moment. Her body was burning even as it was so cold. Alice lifted shaking hands to remove her scarf. It hurt to breathe, to walk... even her hair hurt.

With blurry eyes she saw a bench... when Alice sat down, she was sitting just on the snow next to the bench, having missed the bench completely. But it hurt too much to try and get back up on the bench. Maybe... if she just rested a little bit her head wouldn't be spinning. Yes... just a small rest. She would rest and then...

Well, she hadn't thought that far ahead. She had trouble thinking at all. All Alice knew was that if she went to the nurse's office, they would call her brother and she didn't want to be a burden... more of a burden.

leon (squall leonheart), takuma ichijou, alice liddell (original)

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