Who: Castiel and you!
Where: Near the southeastern forests of Espoir.
Style: Whatever you want! I'm flexible
Status: Open.
Angels did not sleep.
This was a little strange, because Castiel found himself tired. He was familiar with tired - when he had fallen, before Stull Cemetery, before his Lord had reached down and rebuilt him yet again, because - because Castiel didn't even know why, anymore. It seemed like, at some points, that his Father was a vicious and capricious God, that he brought him back just to watch him "spin his wheels" against his brothers. But that couldn't be it. His Father was a loving and kind God, and that was how things were. He was right, with a purpose, and had his Father believed he was wrong, he would have been twice destroyed.
It was easy for these thoughts to get him when he was tired - but he should not have been this exhausted, so that his hands dropped weakly into his pockets and he stared at the ground. His legs felt heavy and walking was an effort, so he sat down in a nearby bench and tried to gather his strength back. Perhaps Raphael was draining his power. Perhaps - he didn't know. He knew his vessel was weary, though, and maybe just to close his eyes to get a little energy....
[Observe, a sleeping angel on a bench. He's kind of drooped to the side a bit.]