Who: Trick or Treaters, of course.
Where: Everywhere ~
Style: To make things easy, first
Status: OPEN
Even if you didn't tag on OCC feel free to hop right in. :3
[Video post filtered to those who answered to his post. And don't forget to tag your character in, bb's! :D]
Trick or Treat!
*And this would be America staring at the screen, looking quite excited. Excited indeed. Dressed in his trademark cowboy attire, complete with a hat and a red scarf. Strangely, his face looks a bit white with some kind of chalky substance. ...He'll blame Keiichi later. He gives a little peace sign to the viewers.*
Tonight is the night!
Better make it over to the village fountain soon~! Wouldn't want to start without anyone of you now, would I?
*A big grin*
Hii-ha! We start roundup very quick like, you hear!?