maka; third

Dec 29, 2009 20:14

Who: Maka, Soul, Ace
Where: Somni residential district
Event-based location: ... Depends on who you're asking. (which means Death City for two of them, the Country of Hearts for the crazy dude).
Style: Third
Status: Closed? idk if you want in hit one of us up.

Something was terribly wrong, Maka realized when the both of them eventually made their way outside.

She had a feeling something was when she woke up, but when she couldn’t immediately tell and the usual morning routine started off as normal, Maka managed to brush it off. Kind of. It was definitely bothering her, that was for sure.

But normally, there were people everywhere, especially during this time of the day when the students were heading to their school and the workers to their respective jobs around the city. They didn’t live in an isolated part of town-far from it-so why was it that there hadn’t been a person in sight? The street outside their apartment complex was completely devoid of people, and for the first time in her life, Maka felt unnerved in the place she called home.

As if to make sure he was still there, Maka turned her head over her shoulder, facing Soul with a perturbed expression.

“What’s going on?” she asked him, despite being fully aware he was likely as clueless as she was. Maka tentatively took another step forward, glancing up and down the street in disbelief. “What happened to the city?”

maka albarn, ace, soul eater, !moon: cycle 00

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