Neku --10--

Jan 29, 2010 17:57

Who: Neku and anyone else
Where: Somni
Style: Either is fine
Status: OPEN!

[He really needed to get away from it all. Seriously. Kyon is in a coma, now Shiki is too, people are turning to their opposite gender and suddenly thoughts are showing up on the Dreamberry. To say he was overwhelmed at the moment would be a huge understatement.

Anyway, Neku can be seen sitting on a nearby bench glaring holes into the ground and snow as if this was all their fault. His music is also turned up really loud so anyone near could hear techno blaring through his headphones.]

devil survivor mc (kiyoshi yamada), chowder, kagura, !location: somni, wigglytuff, mai, !moon: cycle 04, neku sakuraba, minato arisato, loki (devil survivor), alice (pandora hearts)

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