Feb 16, 2010 10:15
Who: Tokito and Someone~
Where: Somewhere in Espoir
Style: Either~
Status: Open open open
[He's bored, more than a little lonely, and in a thoroughly bad mood. It's been almost a month since he's been here without Kubochan. Sure the apartment's nice and the food's good - but there's no playstation or sega saturn and no Kubo-chan. He's doing what he usually does when he gets pissy, which is to wander around~ He finds himself not far from where he first woke up - it feels like forever ago - and kicks angrily at the ground as he plops himself onto a bench, scowl plastered onto his face.]
's stupid.
tokito minoru,
cloud strife,
cid highwind,
maes hughes,
!location: espoir,
loki (devil survivor)