Who: Hermione and
somarium Where: Espoir
Style: You choose
Status: Open~
When she woke to find herself not only in a suddenly strange land - Hogwarts gone from view, nothing looked familiar - but also alone when she had just been with Ron and Harry. Not to mention there was a Muggle cell phone in her pocket next to her wand. She had pulled it out, examined the device and dug through all of the information it provided. Already Hermione had figured out where she was within this world called Somarium and she was in Espoir village, so with the help of the Dreamberry's GPS she was following the path to what seemed to be the center point of the circular area.
Small bruises and cuts were visible on her exposed skin but Hermione didn't seem to mind them so much. It was a bit cold out for what she was wearing and she remembered her coin purse with her winter coat inside and she stooped to pull it out of her shoe. Once she had on the gray coat, her dark pink scarf wrapped around her neck and the purse in her large pocket Hermione continued on towards the fountain.
Soon she'd have her bearings and the walk might help her clear her head to form some sort of plan. The tent was gone but as long as she had her wand Hermione could camp out so long as it didn't rain. Of course there was always the chance that Ron, Harry or even Luna would notice her name on the contact list and find her. She had seen Draco's name listed there and Hermione was fairly certain that she didn't want a confrontation with him right now. Now she quickened her pace to try and get out of the cold faster while keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings.