Who: Mafuyu Kurosaki and
somarium Where: The Chocolate Fountain in Espoir
Style: [This please. So lazy right now.]
Status: OPEN
Seeing the whole world change into candy overnight was a lovely experience for Mafuyu. And when she saw the chocolate fountain when she was exploring, she was struck with inspiration and thus ran to the nearest grocery store. After a few hours, she returned with a picnic blanket, as well as plastic bags filled with twenty pounds worth of properly cut and sliced fruits of various types, all packed neatly into tubberware containers, and a pack of skewers. She cheerfully sets the blanket on the ground and unpacks everything on top of it, then begins to skewer the fruits into a sort of kabob. Mafuyu then reached over the edge of the fountain to coat it with chocolate, then sat back down and snacked contently. Rinse and repeat.
Though this was certainly not normal, she couldn't help be feel like she was almost in Heaven. Plus, enjoying sweet things was a girly thing to do, right? It shouldn't be so bad to have fun with something that's not normal once in a while... Since it was kind of fun.
"... I wish I had friends to do this with, though," she mumbled dejectedly.