Who: Alice and
somariumWhere: A field in Espoir (cause I'm uncreative like that)
What: Alice's sugar crash has finally hit and it hit hard
Style: I'll follow!
Warnings: Um none I hope >.>....
Status: OPEN!
She wasn't expecting it. But then again, she should have known. The proof of it was all over the network and blaring on her dreamberry. But be that as it may, Alice was suddenly hit with her sugar crash. She had been excited and happy and joyous (so really she had been her regular self). And then she had felt sick and her head was aching, her body felt heavy.
So she had decided to sit for the moment. It was just for a moment after all. Once she was feeling a little better she would walk home, or even to Takuma's home, whichever was closest really because she felt so horribly drained and sick.
But the feeling simply got worse and she was suddenly exhausted. So she told herself to lie down, never mind the sugar that would get on her. No, no, lie down for only a little bit and then perhaps call daddy... or Takuma... or... someone really. Her head hurt too much to think, and so to ease the pain she closed her eyes.
And promptly fell asleep lying in the sugar snow, Basil slowly resting beside her as her grip kept loosening the further into sleep she went.