It Reemerges...

Jan 28, 2011 00:05

It had been a few nights since it last emerged, but during the late night hours, once more the yeti broke through the desert sands and clawed its way out. And once more it made its ascent to the floating mountain with ease, beating against the ice and crushing the mountain rock with its hands.

Now it continued deeper into the mountain, scaling its sides and beating on it every so often. It was as if it was trying to find a way to get inside it.

But now its time there was cut short. It had been warned that the people were restless, and knew it would not be long before it could be attacked. An hour passed, and once again it failed in its mission. Again it let out a chilling roar of frustration before jumping from its high perch down to the hard sand below. With another roar, it savagely beat the ground with its two huge fists.

At first nothing happened. Was the yeti beating the ground just to vent out its anger? Unbeknownst to the Somarium residents, the shadows began to shift and change. Glowing eyes blinked from the darkest corners before disappearing. Lights flickered for several minutes before power shut off completely. Complete darkness enveloped Somarium.

By then the yeti had returned to its hiding place somewhere deep within the desert sands, but it had left behind a present. Though they were scattered and stuck to the shadows, noctaere were lurking through Somarium, waiting to catch anyone unawares. They were silent stalkers and only had one goal in mind:

To spread the fear of nightmares.

[ooc: Here's part two of the New Moon event! Remember, while there are Noctaere around, this is not an invasion. As described in the post, they're more like silent stalker opportunists who will only attack from the shadows. So players can pick and choose if and when characters are attacked. They also will only come out at night.

For more details, refer to the Moon Cycle post on how to handle the Noctaere and also to remind yourself about the "nightmare effect" should a character become severely wounded by a noctaere. This post is also working a little different - players are free to make their own posts and logs instead of placing everything inside this one log. Remember to have fun!!!

Edit: CLARIFICATION! The power has also gone out, so Somarium will be under a blackout. Quick reminder that there are backup generators available, and that the Dreamberries are still functional.]


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