Feb 22, 2011 21:37
Who: Lloyd Irving and Emil Castagnier
Where: Lake Meridian
When: Today
Style: First
Status: Closed
[Even after they agreed to meet, the awkwardness doesn't fade. Lloyd stands at the edge of Lake Meridian, waiting. He doesn't know how long it will be before Emil arrives, but he refuses to budge even when boredom sets in. This is too important, and he'd promised he'd be there.
Sighing, he sits down on a rock at the water's edge, studying his reflection for lack of anything else to do. His clothing, he decides, isn't helping this at all. No red jacket or boots, just a black T-shirt and blue denim pants and some strange kind of rubber-soled shoe - some of the more "normal" clothing that Zelos and Renge had made him get. His swords are the only thing from his world that he continues to wear, belted around his waist.
It doesn't feel like him.
But he's trying to make a point.
He just isn't certain if he's trying to make this point to Emil or to himself.]
!location: lake meridian,
lloyd irving,
emil castagnier