Who: Beat and
somariumWhere: Somni, in front of Enveria apartments
Style: Either
Status: Open
To say that Beat was curious as to what the cards he had been given held would be an understatement. In fact, he had been dying to know what had been contained in them, despite his last encounter with a card for the Dreamberry. But the knowledge of them just sitting there in his back pocket, together with the temptation of finding out what it held had been to great. Crumbling under the pressure, he swiped one after the other, watching with great anticipation as the scenes played out on his Dreamberry.
What he had seen in the second card was what brought him to where he was now. It had contained things that he had in the dream world, things that he was happy about. But at the same time, the reminder of home and of Rhyme was enough to make him feel homesick. If anything, he had wished that Rhyme could've been there with him. Despite the dangers of Somarium, some part of him wanted her there, even if that meant putting extra effort in protecting her from whatever the world would put them through.
In an effort to keep his mind off what he had seen, he took out his skateboard, grabbed a couple of tools and sat down on the steps of the apartment complex. Taking out a few nuts and bolts, he buried himself in his work replacing the current screws that held the trucks and wheels in place.