Who: Muraki and YOU!
Where: Anywhere and everywhere
Style: Third preferred, but I'll match you
Status: Open!
WARNINGS: Violence, mindfucking, probable talk of molestation
As soon as he realized that the Dreamberry had caught him in the act, Muraki knew he had to leave for a while and find a safe place to stay until he could either get away for good or the police caught him. He didn't know what sort of powers they had or how long he could remain at full strength.
The first place he stopped was his apartment, only long enough to pick up a gun and a scalpel. But after that, he was gone again, picturing random places in Somarium to end up each time.
[OOC: Please add yourselves to the tags as you join in. Harry and Nakago will be the ones to catch him in the end. Anyone else is free to interact with him however they can, assuming this covers a space of several IC days. He will NOT pop into houses randomly, since he doesn't know what they look like, but any public space is fair game. The only business I know he'll go to is Nectar. Anything else can be assumed if you want, as can various injuries from either threaded confrontations or other things that just aren't played out. As always, PM or hit up MerePrototype on AIM with questions or concerns.]