dream credit system
The world of Somarium cannot function on its own. Instead, it is entirely dependent on a little thing called Dream Energy. Dream Energy holds the world together. It runs the subway systems. It fuels the street cars. It keeps the castle above your heads afloat. It repairs all damages sustained. It keeps the barrier intact. You, the guests of the Overlord's dream world, must keep on dreaming - and dream regularly - in order for the trinkets, the homes, the streetcars, all the little nooks and crannies to work and exist.
!! IMPORTANT !! The Credit System has been officially scrapped. A different type of currency system has been in place and is detailed
❦ the bare basics
This is the very cut and dry bare basics about how the credit system works. All the details are below this, as well as an example at the end.
❂ Dreams have dream energy
❂ Dream energy makes Somarium work
❂ Dream energy is color coded. The colors visually represent the type of dream/dream energy
❂ Dream energy = charge
❂ Coins are called Dream Credits
❂ Coins are empty/useless until charged with dream energy
❂ The coin credits are stored inside the Dreamberry until they are charged.
❂ To charge a coin, choose one charge (the dream energy color). The coin will pop out of the Dreamberry and will now have the color(s) of that charge
❂ Coins are mainly used for payment at the mod shop
❂ Everything is stll free everywhere else.
❂ It's basically the same thing as the original system where you used dreams as payments. This is just giving it a physical representation.
❂ Characters can trade or give credits to other characters
❂ This is also to help make the dreaming aspect more interesting and interactive.
Even shorter:
❂ Coin = Credit (it is originally blank and empty)
❂ Dreams = Dream energy = Charge
❂ Dream energy has colors
❂ Dream energy charges coin
❂ Coin becomes dream energy color
❦ the details
❖ dream bank account
When your character dreams, these dreams are stored in your Dream Bank Account. Your Dream Bank Account is a single post linked from your profile within your character journal where you will keep track of the number of credits and dreams still available. Your Dream Bank Account should look something like
this or
this. Here is the HTML code for a dream bank account, which you may copy and paste into a new out-of-order entry:
❖ dream bank account Currently Contains:
2 Uncharged Credits
Dream Charges Available
Dream Charge Key
- Blue - Drama
- Green - Dramedy
- Yellow - Comedy
- Red - Romance
- Pink - Romantic Comedy
- Brown - Horror
- Purple - Fantasy/Supernatural
- Orange - Action/Adventure
- Sky Blue - Children's
- Gray - Documentary
You can always change the formatting to fit your own style, just be sure it has to the necessary information. Your character will ICly view the account through the Dreamberry. There is now a new folder that they can open.
❖ dream charge colors
Each dream has a specific color, a specific charge depending on the nature of the dream. These colors are:
- Blue - Drama
- Green - Dramedy
- Yellow - Comedy
- Red - Romance
- Pink - Romantic Comedy
- Brown - Horror
- Purple - Fantasy/Supernatural
- Orange - Action/Adventure
- Sky Blue - Children's (childhood flashbacks or a very 'childlike' dream)
- Gray - Documentary (flashbacks, commentaries)
You may notice that Nightmares are not included on this list. Horror dreams are not the same as Nightmares. When your character has a Nightmare, a credit will take on a black charge. It is important to note that the Overlord's Shop will not accept black credits. However, keep track of your nightmares anyway - you never know when they'll come into use.
The difference between what counts as a Nightmare or Horror is basically a nightmare is personally traumatizing, while a horror themed dream could be called just a "bad dream". Nightmares will effect your characters emotional state a lot more than just a scary dream. Some examples of nightmares would be: horrific memories of their past, anything to do with their greatest fear, dreaming a loved one killed, etc. Examples of dreams in the horror category would be: being chased by lions or bloody axmen, dreaming their girlfriend was really a guy, etc. They can border on the silly side, but to the character it will be horrifying. Another tip is a scale. If you were to rate how bad a dream is in the character's perspective and how emotionally traumatizing it is to them from 1 to 10, if it's 8 or higher, then it's a Nightmare.
If you're really not sure, you can choose whichever you think is best.
Angst can be either Blue (Drama) OR Nightmare. We consider Angst more along the lines of the "dark dream" themed, but you can choose which one it should be. It might depend on the level of angst.
Dreams may have up to two 'mixed' color charges. Mixed color type charges is still just one charge. For example, a Blue/Red charge counts only as one.
These charges will float listlessly until you receive a Dream Credit. Without the Dream Credit, they are useless.
❖ dream credit coins
Dream Credits are basically specialized but boring coins until you place them inside your Dreamberry slot. They are different from the dream charges. They are worthless until it is charged with Dream Energy.
They are stored in the Dreamberry, so you don't have to carry them around everywhere you go. However, when you receive a Dream Credit, you have to insert it into the Dreamberry for it actually registers you have one. So don't lose it before putting it in there!
You can then charge the Dream Credit with any of the available dream charges you have. Just choose which charge you want to assign to the credit, and the coin will pop back out of the Dreamberry. The credit will take on the color of the charge from the dream. Only one charge per coin.
Charged credits may be used to buy items in the Mod Shop. Each item in the Mod Shop will require a choice of one of three different charged credits. If a character desires to order an item from their Home World, a character must pay 9 credits, charged with every possible credit color {credits charged with multiple colors will count toward the 'every color' stipulation}.
Each character begins with a total of 2 Credits. Credits may be traded/bartered between characters or earned. There are two ways to earn credits:
- Salaried work from the Overlord and her 'Ghosts' (like the Police force)
- Completing Missions
❖ example of dream credit use
Tamaki buys a snowglobe. At the mod shop, it costs 1 credit. The credit can be Red, Purple, or Sky Blue. This means Tamaki can have a dream with one of the following themes: Romance, Fantasy/Supernatural, or Children's.
On Tamaki's Dream Bank Account, he has 3 Dream Credits available, and 5 different charges: 3 Reds, 1 Blue, 1 Sky Blue.
Since he has at least one of the type of credits needed, he does not have to make a dream. He can just pay right now.
He takes out his Dreamberry and goes to the "Dream Credits Account" folder. A menu appears, asking him which charge he wants to use. Since he has 3 Red charges, he decides to use one of those.
Tamaki selects the Red charge. A coin pops out of the Dreamberry and it's colored Red, just like the charge.
He gives the coin and merrily goes off to find Kyouya to give the snowglobe to.
His Dream Credits Account now says he has 2 Dream Credits available, and he now has 2 Red charges left.
Later that night he has a bad dream about Hikaru stealing Haruhi away from him. In the "Charges available" section of his Dream Credits Account, a Brown charge appears as that dream fell under Horror. It was very close to a Nightmare, but not quite.
❦ missions
Missions are the simplest way for characters to earn Dream Credits in Somarium.
Inside the Mod Shop there is a cork board where the local Somarium ghosts will tack up missions they would like to have completed. Characters interested in completing the mission can take the information off the cork board, fulfill the task, and return to the shop to receive their credits from the ghosts. Characters may also submit their own missions for others to undertake, as well, by offering their own credits for payment.
Missions will be posted once per week on