Nov 21, 2008 02:48
Okay, in short, those who wish to participate in this event will find that their characters will discover a strange looking card near their Dreamberry. Though there are no directions, the character will automatically know what to do with it once they pick it up.
Is to slide it into the phone in a slot that they probably never noticed before. Or maybe it just appeared? Oooh, mystery~~
I'll uh. Design cards later :| But in general, the bodyswitch card will have a silhouette of two people standing back-to-back, and the genderswitch card will have the bisexual symbol (so creative I know :|)
Meaning, your character can only bodyswitch OR genderswitch, but not both. Bodyswitching with someone of the opposite sex is obviously different and counts as bodyswitch xD What I mean is you can't bodyswitch with someone, and then have a genderswitch or vice versa.
In terms of bodyswitch, you can do this in two ways:
1) Swap icons. (which will ruin the icons of past threads :\)
2) Swap journals.
If you go the second way, I'm putting a lot of trust in you guys to not do something with the other person's journals. Having temp passwords would be advised unless you know and trust each other.
Effects of the cards:
Genderswitch: 5 days (just for this event, otherwise it's a week)
Bodyswitch: 3 days
I think that's it. If there's any questions, lemme know!
AFTER TODAY, THE CARDS CAN BE FOUND IN RANDOM PLACES AND AT ANY TIME. Just...don't be like "Oooh I found a whole pack! |D" or something. These are supposed to help make things a little different when there's a lull, we don't need it to be a common place thing.
Once you use it, you can't use the same card for two weeks or so. Ie, if you genderswitch during this event, your character won't have the option to genderswitch for the next two weeks, even if they have the card. It just won't work.
Right. HAVE FUN.