End of Activity Check and TUNNEL EVENT!

Jul 13, 2009 00:32


The Activity Check has come and gone and these are the new stats:
  1. Total Characters: 197
  2. Total Players: 80
  3. Characters Cut: 22 (+5 voluntary drops; total 27)
  4. Players Cut: 20 (+3 voluntary drops; total 23)
Use the admin console and remove the following journals:

friend remove cat_of_gallia
friend remove chronalogical
friend remove extremepawnch
friend remove kage_kingu
friend remove nightfestival

friend remove angstfreesky
friend remove bothersengland
friend remove feathermanr
friend remove fishcakespiral
friend remove itismyart
friend remove i_want_meat
friend remove kabalyero
friend remove likesmelons
friend remove lives_inmemory
friend remove lolgundam
friend remove mugenshi
friend remove omgniisan
friend remove overlysymmetric
friend remove popscollar
friend remove rewindingsummer
friend remove seeker_of_seven
friend remove sewed_hearts
friend remove speaksinallcaps
friend remove tabi_no_yume
friend remove tastemyfoot
friend remove tranquillize
friend remove uniiiiiveeeerse
friend remove vitalregionsnow


Now for the real important thing. THE TUNNELS EVENT! We know we're a bit late on this but it was to ensure everything was set and good to go. Because of this, we'll be extending the ending date a bit. We are also going to go ahead and say that if it looks like the event needs more time, we will extend it later. However, the new current schedule is the following:

Start date: Monday, July 13 (after IC ghost post is posted!)
End date: Sunday, July 19

Now read the following for everything you need to know about the event!


There are actually going to be several of these due to the nature of how the event starts and the characters that will be going into the tunnels. This is being broken down into three categories, and players are free to choose which their character might want to at least originally aim for. Their objective may change during the course of their exploration.
  1. Help the ghost: An IC post will be made in which a ghost will ask for help in the tunnels. She lost an item and needs help to retrieve it. Once that objective is cleared, the group will be helped out of the tunnels as specified in the post.
  2. General exploration: Characters might not give a damn about the ghost but the prospect of exploring the tunnels could be the reason why they go down there. So in this case, the original intent would be just to see what could be found but just for the sense of adventure.
  3. Research: These would be the people who do not give a damn for the ghost and have a goal in mind: finding more information about the world. These people will try to find whatever they can find that could give them a clue about what happened -- and how to get out.

The choice is yours and yours alone but remember, these are only original objectives and a basic reason as to why your character may have decided to join in the exploring. More details will be given below.


group #1 (room K)

Samus (screw_attack)
Mao (mindhax)
Asch (abandoned_flame)
Mamoru (takatori_heir)
Haku (precious_person)

group #2 (room M)

Big Boss (nekkid_snake)
Lavi (bigasshammer)
Raven (notjustanoldman)
Kohaku (nameless_river)
Hei (theblackreaper)

group #3 (room I)

Minako (cest_la_venus)
Oz (timeticksaway)
Ada (onkittypatrol)
Gilbert (felinephobic)
Estelle (not_bouncing)

group #4 (room G)

Niou (screwperfect)
Yagyuu (asobanai)
Bat (shitcrazy)
Rena (bigassmachete)
Keiichi (homerun_k1)

group #5 (room N)

Ema (entropygoggles)
Zidane (hanginbyatail)
Argilla (breast_feeder)
Sera (shanti_shaman)
Roland (whowillguardyou)

group #6 (room O)

Tsukumo (sofarabove) VACANT?
Serph (cannibalcrown)
Atoli (atoli_in_sky)
Sakura (riotous_blossom)

group #7 (room F)

Cornelia (knightmare_hime)
Jaina (wantedtostudy)
Lelouch (yougotgeassed)
Teddie (beary_bad_puns)
Haseo (skeeeiiith)

group #8 (room E)

Hakkai (eyeforaneyeball)
+ Jeep (jeeptothewest)
Satsuki (cyberphiliac)
Edgeworth (edgey_boy)
Trucy (magictrucygirl)
Stitch (weird_koala)

group #9 (room C)

Kamina (hellyouthinkiam)
Heat (fevoreish)
Minatsuki (whip_wing)
Zuko (prince_hothead)
Yoko (yokothebullet)

group #10 (room H)

Volgin (snake_beater)
Yuri (dammit_flynn)
Haruko (driveslikemad)
Kayashima (aura_report)
Gilgamesh (babylon_douche)

group #11 (room J)

Tamaki (baka_tonou)
Jinana (usas_aurora)
Haruhi (trappedhost)
Yoh (blood_whipped)
Shiro (wretched_eggx)

group #12 (room A)

Snake (snake_in_a_box)
Raiden (vr_training_rox)
Kaname (pureblood_king)
Ruby (needsmorecute)
Neuro (puzzlebird)

group #13 (room D)

Luke (created_flame)
Guy (flower_of_glory)
Zoro (3zensekai)
Jade (charmingmaster)
Dist (charmingpet)

group #14 (room Q)

Flonne (celestial_ninja)
Setsuna (00_agent)
Feldt (feldtgrace)
Grell (chainsawofdeath)
Road (sinnerofdreams)

group #15 (room P)

Frank (so_damn_stoic)
Saber (fated_blade)
Austria (gesangvoll)
Hungary (katona_sziv)
Chopin (poet_of_piano)

group #16 (room B)

Lloyd (heroinred)
Sumeragi (livebythebottle)
Garnet (stolencanary)
Gale (honor_tactics)
Laharl (demonichymn)

*NOTE: The bright blue lines just mean that the tunnel path either goes over or under a room.

This map is for Player information only. There is no ready made map for the characters, but they are free to make their own!


A - Barracks
B - Barracks
C - Barracks
D - Storage
E - Public Bathroom
F - Public Bathroom
G - Storage
H - Armory
I - Records Room
J - Cafeteria + Kitchen
K - Storage
L - Conference Room
M - Empty
N - Guard Room
O - Empty
P - Armory
Q - Storage
R - Empty
S - Main Office


✘ Barracks (rooms A, B, C) - These are living quarters for those who used to live here. There are bunk beds and a few single cots packed in tightly; there is also a sink in each room. Some old trunks and few tattered remnants of clothing could be found by or on the beds. Basic appliances like TV, radio, or telephones are also present in each. There also might be other small things present: the barracks look like they've been left in a hurry, so a lot of stuff is still left.

✘ Storage (rooms D, K, Q) - Filled with barrels and crates. Many are empty; some used to store food, but any food inside will have rotted away. A few could also have some random things like clothing and fabric.

✘ Armory (rooms H, P) - Contain various basic weapons; a few guns are laying around, but there is no ammo. Shelves containing tools such as rakes, hoes, shovels, axes, etc. are also present.

✘ Records Room (room I) - Has bookshelves filled with hard to read books and scattered documents; there is also a table with a couple of diagrams and notes. Paper is strewn everywhere.

✘ Guard Room (room N) - Since it's right by the main entrance, this is just where people were stationed to keep an eye on the entrance and people entering and exiting. Monitors and phone lines present.

✘ Conference Room (room L) - This room is not freely accessible: there is a keypad lock with a password that one has to enter to unlock the door. Inside is a long table with upturned chairs, scattered documents, a giant map of the city and village, charts, and a large computer screen.

✘ Big Gray Area - Empty antechamber to the Super Computer Room. If one looks, one might find remnants of the now broken and useless teleport portal. Near the wall is a control panel, but it is no longer functional. Otherwise, the room is relatively empty.

✘ Super Computer Room - Location of the giant computer, along with smaller computer terminals around it. The computers are the main source/generator of power, but also hold data of dream energy readings specific for its power use. If you try to access these computers, they will work at first, but then soon shut off.

✘ Main Office/Maintence (room S) - Just another office room with desk and stuff dealing with operating the Super Computer. More documents and records and such.

✘ Lighting - There is lighting in the tunnels. Dim lighting. From the torches lining the walls. Characters are free to take one with them if they so desire. The rooms will have their own overhanging lamps as light sources.


✘ Pit Trap - The dots marked in orange mark where parts of the floor may or may not fall away from beneath the character(s). At the bottom one or more of the following could be there: Nothing, rubber snakes, grass, shells, 3 feet deep water, foam tipped spikes. The pits will be ten feet deep, but some will have ladders. ...That are probably broken.

✘ Icicle Fall Trap - The dots marked in blue mark areas of the tunnels where icicles could randomly fall from the ceiling onto the unsuspecting group. Fortunately, these aren't too huge and miss most of the time. Plus, they turn into snowball cones if they do hit a person. So the worse a person could get is a bad case of the chills and being sogging wet. Also, the place where you got hit will be stained blue for a short period of time. And a little snowman will appear.

✘ Fire Torches Trap - The dots marked in red mark sections of the tunnel where a set of six blow torches (two rows of three) will fire from the wall all the way across to the other side. Now these will activate in timed intervals. There is a three second delay, and any caught in the line of fire will not burn to death, but they will be set on fire for a bit before it goes away. Burns may happen but after a short period of time it will heal.

✘ Sphinx Riddle Trap - The dots mark in purple indicate where a Sphinx will be waiting. They will always be at an intersection, but only in the places marked on the map. They will give the group a riddle. If they answer correctly, the Sphinx will let them go down the most direct path. However, if answered incorrectly, they will be sent down another path that could be a dead end or just a longer way. Warning: If you try and fight them, they will laser eye beam you. And your clothing will turn into hippie design. If not a clown. The Sphinxes will be NPC controlled via the noctaere journal. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER COMMENT ON THIS POST. And no, they cannot die.

✘ Minotaurs - There two minotaurs that will be running around the tunnels. And they are identical. So there will be probably a lot of confusion at first. Now these puppies are the ones characters should be wary about. They do real damage and they mean business. Why they are even in the tunnels to begin with can be explained by some documents that could be found in one of the rooms. It should be noted that they have a strange looking collar around their necks. They cannot directly kill you and they can be warded off. But they can really injure your character if not dealt with correctly. Which would be to run away. They will lose interest after a while. They will most definitely appear near the big gray area. Unless specified otherwise in the log entry, these will come in at any given time.

As stated in the previous post, these will be NPC controlled via the noctaere journal. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO VOLUNTEER COMMENT ON THIS POST.

✘ Ghosts - The ghosts will be invade threads at random with the somghostnpc journal. They are relatively harmless and are really more for an annoyance/lulz than anything else. Unless specified otherwise in the log entry, these will come in at any given time.

If you need a Sphinx or a Minotaur, contact one of the mods or the following volunteers and they will get on it:

Lari - (Heat (fevoreish) and Raiden (vr_training_vox) player)
Aeri/Lulu - (Abel (mindwiped) player)

Remember, if you wish to volunteer to help with the Sphinx or Minotaur, just comment on this post!


✘ Main Entrance - This is where everyone will come in. However, upon passing through the giant gate, they will be sent to the OOCly assigned rooms. It is possible for someone to just stay in the entrance, and it's also possible to leave via the entrance if a group manages to find their way through. However, if you leave through the Main Entrance, you will be transported to a random place in the village.

✘ Other Exits - The "magenta" X's mark places where there are other entrances/exits to/from the tunnels. However, all of them are blocked. There are ladders or stairs that would lead up to them, but if they tried to open the door, they won't budge at all. Some ladders will be broken or break upon trying to climb.

✘ Dead End - The green lines mean that the tunnels could have continued in, but they are blocked by random wood/metal debris or cave-in debris. There is actually one or two that lead to somewhere else, but at the moment are inaccessible.


✘ Documentation of War with Noctaere - [CONFERENCE ROOM (L)] As the title suggests, the document states that the Noctaere are currently invading Somni. Normal defenses are not working and that they are having to use drea...? It gets a bit fudged here. All in all, it just basically says they were in a war.

✘ Evacuation Plans - [MAIN OFFICE (S)] These documents basically state that they are working to evacuate the remaining residents. It has some details regarding the method of evacuation: the use of the teleporters. It may or may not also mention where they are being sent (either home world or another spot in the world)

✘ Evacuation Procedures - [BARRACKS (A, B, C)] Pretty self explanatory, they just tell what citizens needed to do in order to evacuate: bring only necessary supplies and head to the big gray area. Nothing too much of value except that it is a clue that an evacuation was being done. This basically explains how the people just "disappeared". Basically a "STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND GET OUT OF DODGE" scenario.

✘ Teleporter Manual - [BIG GRAY AREA] Basically describes how to operate the teleporter. Various diagrams and instructions can be found.

✘ Experimental Noctaere - [RECORDS (I)] This documents various attempts made on creating their own Noctaere. Pictures and diagrams of the minotaurs and the sphinxes can be found here, as well as an explanation as to why they are down. The creatures were used to protect the people during the noctaere invasion and there is also something written about how to "reprogram" them.

*NOTE: There is only one copy of each document. The only exemption would be the Evacuation Plans as there are three copies. However, there is only one of each copy and they are only found in their respected rooms.


One problem that would potentially arise during this event is how to make sure groups do not conflict with each other in terms of finding a document or the ghost's item.

We've debated over how to best do this and have decided to let you the players figure out who should get what. Using this post, groups can discuss and volunteer who will get what document. It would be ideal if only a group only retrieved one document so that people can have more of a chance.

These are the ones who will for sure get a document and are thus disqualified from the "drawing":

Evacuation Procedures (A, B, C): Group 9 Group 12, Group 16 EDIT: GROUP 9 DID NOT PICK UP THE DOCUMENTS SO THEY ARE UP FOR GRABS!
Experimental Noctaere (I): Group 3

These groups, by random draw, ended up starting off in a room with a document. This is why they're going to get them first UNLESS they specifically do not want them for some reason. If that is the case, a representative of the group will have to comment on this post and tell us so we can adjust. If you need an IC reason, one possibility is they just completely missed. Upon arriving into the room, they just left without investigating too much.

If after around Tuesday or Wednesday there is no conclusive decision as to which group should find what, we will do a random draw and make a post.

If an agreement comes to pass, a representative of the group should make a new comment to this post saying that their group will take whatever document or object is decided on.

The reason why we are not just doing it free-for-all is due to the large number of participants and the high risk of there being conflicts. We also want to give players a chance to decide and pre-plan.

If everyone does want us to just randomly draw, we will be more than willing to do so.

We will be editing the post as documents are found, so check back every so often to see who has what!


✘ Dreamberries are semi-functional. We've decided to make the adventurers' lives more difficult by cutting off the call feature completely. They can still text and dream, but after that it's nada. They can not call out to those above ground.

However, any posts will be visible to those not in the tunnels, and they can still respond. If someone from above ground establishes a connection to a person in the tunnel, then is it possible for someone underground to talk with someone above ground.

In other words, the only way to communicate to those above ground is for them to call first.

✘ Once the ghost post is made in somarium, those who want to start logging their tunneling adventures can begin right away. The tag that must be used is !event: tunnels and it must be made clear that the log is event only. You can start your log right in the room the characters land in. This will bypass anything that could have happened back in the entrance. This is suggested due to the fact that despite what group you go down into the tunnels with, once you pass through the gate, everyone is split up.

If your party is grouped in a way that actually has them all still in the same group, then you can start the log at the entrance.

If you want to do a log at the entrance with other characters even if they won't be in the group later (meaning the log would end with them getting separated at the gate), that is perfectly fine as well.

How you start the log is up to you, these are only suggestions.

✘ As a reminder, characters are still free to make other pre-tunnel posts in reaction to the post. The post is also going to be open for response. It will be a video post but the lines will be open, so characters will be able to converse with each other in there as well.

✘ Make it CLEAR that your group will find one of the documents or get the item listed above so we can keep track of what's going on. A visible OOC note in the main log entry should do nicely.

✘ The characters actually won't have time to read the documents in full until after the event. They'll be on the move most of the time either due to ghost pestering, urgency to find others, or the minotaurs. We've given the basic details so you can have a vague understanding of what they are. More specific information will be given after the event in another OOC post with which players can work with ICly.

✘ Any character can join in later. This is including any new characters that join into the game. If you wish to join a group, just contact the players!

✘ REMEMBER! The event does not officially ICly start until the ghost post is up! Only THEN will characters be able to start event logs! And don't forget the tags!!

If you have any questions or concerns, just post them on here.

events, !overlord

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