AC is done and over with, and all the lists have been updated! Double check to make sure everything is correct and update your f-lists!
- Taken Characters: # - M | N - Z (Current character count is: 258)
- Player Contact (Current player count is: 118)
- Friends Add/Remove THIS INCLUDES ACTIVITY CHECK (admin console)
friend add deflagrazione
friend add crookofmyelbow
friend add divasamurai
friend add branded_wind
friend add creator_maria
friend add doom_bitch
friend add du_a_lize
friend add genius_trustme
friend add gurrenlogical
friend add hellyouthinkiam
friend add kappa_perv
friend add masterofclocks
friend add mysticise
friend add neeneebruder
friend add not_a_spoiler
friend add not_my_grandpa
friend add ragnalol
friend add restorehope
friend add royalseashells
friend add unfadingdragon
friend add vongola_27
friend add wants_milk
friend add whitesiderabbit
friend add withthedrums
friend add carpo_vita
friend add cuore_di_nebbia
friend add daddydrunkard
friend add fluorite_flux
friend add freedomandrye
friend add in_light_of
friend add megacarcharodon
friend add soundlessday
friend add travelingdoctor
friend add wilfulsunbeams
friend add celloinadaze
friend add gimme_ur_pants
friend add hatethethoughts
friend add lorith_phor
friend add selfishworld
friend add souhi_no_arashi
friend add untactful
friend add xigraceful_rose
friend add choru
friend add defrauder
friend add kase_ni
friend add knows_remorse
friend add lorith_harl
friend add moonlghtshadow
friend add mykubochan
friend add phantasmal_girl
friend add piercedheaven
friend add rose_devotion
friend add snacksplease
friend add thefuryoffire
friend add thereisnonights
friend add blacknredrabbit
friend add fastdrummer
friend add kotonohadays
friend add lag_seeing
friend add mr_lowell
friend add notgodless
friend add secrethobbies
friend add scientistically
friend add smirkinggoddess
friend add theignorantfool
friend add unstinted
friend add yuugiteki
friend remove bemyrappig
friend remove breaksbuildings
friend remove breaksminds
friend remove deththekid
friend remove fieldofblades
friend remove ifs_and_or_butz
friend remove lifeofablade
friend remove psycheup
friend remove shapeshiftmania
friend remove theredconsort
friend remove trappedhost
friend remove undertakerlol
friend remove whiteruthenia
friend remove breaksgod
friend remove crownedheart
friend remove goldeyedmonster
friend remove rappigs4prez
friend remove snake_beater
friend remove wish_i_had_that
friend remove yougotgeassed
friend remove caduceus_touch
friend remove prince_hothead
friend remove ropingthewind
friend remove sheltered_sun
friend remove kuekuatsu
friend remove 3zensekai
friend remove cant_shoot_this
friend remove charmingmaster
friend remove charmingpet
friend remove ethereal_dancer
friend remove failpapa
friend remove getinthetube
friend remove honor_tactics
friend remove im_bluuueee
friend remove im_piiiiiink
friend remove monkeyonatrip
friend remove nekuratta
friend remove partlyblackened
friend remove caninewarrior
friend remove notjustanoldman
friend remove baskingjabber
friend remove dontcallmehero
friend remove hateforeigners
friend remove klutzy_klock
friend remove missle_sword_1
friend remove morbidmausoleum
friend remove nameless_river
friend remove needs_no_heart
friend remove nocatchphrase
friend remove poisonandcharm
friend remove precious_person
friend remove puppy_soldier
- Stats:
New Characters: 69
New Players: 30
Dropped Characters: 52
Dropped Players: 22
- Residence
If we missed anything, let us know!
❖ MOON CYCLE 04 ❂ 01/25/10 - 01/31/10
Phase: Full Moon. The night sky is bright and clear, not a cloud to dampen the mood.
Weather: Consistent sunshine with temperatures in the mid-40s, F. Oddly, the snow is not melting despite above-freezing weather. There is still a thick blanket of snow on the ground.
Effects: The More You Know...! Ever wondered what everyone else was thinking? Starting immediately, all inhabitants of Somarium will begin to read and hear one another's thoughts. This event will last through Sunday, January 31st.
Notes: This event is going to occur in two phases. The first phase will last until Thursday, January 28th at 11:59 pm CST. During the first phase, all Dreamberry communications will include a new subtitle feature. The subtitle records and conveys all of a person's thoughts through the Dreamberry. That is, for those who choose to participate in the event, all Dreamberry communications will have spoken dialogue plus a 'thought' subtitle. Please format as such:
Dialogue Dialogue Action Dialogue
{Insert Thoughts In Curly Brackets Here}
In-person communications do not have any thought-reading or hearing associated with them during the first phase.
The second phase of the event begins on Midnight CST (Thursday Night). During the second phase, in-person communications - or logs - will no longer be safe. People within Somarium will begin to hear the thoughts of people they speak to, no matter where they go or how they communicate. Please continue to denote thoughts with curly brackets.
All thought-reading will end on Midnight, Sunday, January 31st.
This event is optional. It is your choice whether to have your character convey or read thoughts, just make sure you inform those you are playing with that you have opted out.
Important: If you do opt in, your character will be stuck in this condition for the whole week. There is no way to block out the thoughts from coming out or filter them. Any thoughts the character may have will be displayed/"heard". Again, this is only for those who opt into the event.
Those who choose not to participate will still be able to see the other character's thoughts.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment here!