Your characters have all found themselves in what looks like a
Mirror of Somarium. Inside a bedroom in a warehouse, to be exact.
From the looks of it out the windows, he layout is very, very similar. Familiar, even. Except this time, you can see a dense city in the center of the map, surrounded by a sparse, dark, empty village in the distance. You can barely see tiny lights from those tiny cottages. A black castle is perched in the center of the city, surrounded by high violet walls.
Unfortunately, all of that is well and good, but none of your characters will be able to access it. Until March 2nd, all characters are trapped in a massive warehouse. All the doors and windows are completely impenetrable. There are 10 floors plus a basement, enough to accommodate the 250+ characters currently living in Somarium. There is no food and no water, though they feel constantly weary. Even the lights in the warehouse seem pretty dark, and over the course of the weekend, you'll feel your spirits slowly drain out of you. Any use of magical ability or any remarkable use of physical prowess quickens the drained feeling.
Outside, your character occasionally hears the scrabbling of clawed feet, of creatures from the stuff of nightmares. And of course, the nightly shrieking, drawing ever closer.
9pm every night is Warehouse Curfew. Your rooms will lock at that time. If you are not inside your rooms before then, then you are locked outside and legions of rats will come out of the woodworks to swarm anyone still in the halls. This should not be obvious until after the first night or so. Don't worry, they're not deadly poisonous zanzibar hamsters poisonous, but you may feel weak if you're bitten by them.
Dreamberries are not functional, but all characters have been provided with access to a PA system in their rooms, which will translate all speech. The trade-off is that there is no such thing as private transmissions with a PA system. In-person speech, however, is still subject to language barriers. Please remember the 2-language limit in understanding others in person. The inability to die is also still in effect.
At the first minute of March 3rd, all characters will find themselves placed back in Somarium as if nothing had passed. Watch for the second signal post then.
Just a reminder, the event tag is !moon: cycle 08 and the location tag is !location: warehouse.
As always, leave your questions below!