Moon Cycle 22 - June 1 - June 9

May 31, 2010 18:04

❖ MOON CYCLE 22 ❂ 06/01/10 - 06/09/10
Phase: Half waning; the transition between these phases seem to take longer than usual, and observers might notice something a little different about how the half moon looks: it's tilted far more to the left than usual.

Weather: Standard fair weather, with a period of rain and scattered thunderstorms from Thursday, 6/04 until Monday, 6/07.

Effects: No effects.

Notes: There were a few notes we neglected to mention in the last Moon Cycle post, so here they are! Apologies for any uncertainty or confusion this may have caused.
  • Normal hunger. As a continuation of the past moon cycle effects, characters will continue to feel normal hunger patterns and will need to eat. While they can still live without eating for longer periods at a time, their body will still feel hunger and will require food. This excludes vampires and cannibals. They will still not need to feed on blood or the like, though the "urge" to do so might increase slightly.
  • Food restock scheduling. No worries, food is still restocked. However, like in a previous cycle, they are normally restocked on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It is possible for things to sell out for a short period of time, so keep an eye out on future cycle posts for that!
  • Nothing is free anymore! This is important! Characters will suddenly find themselves having to pay for their items from now on. This excludes rent and any property they might have.
  • Currency. This is just a brief recap for anyone who missed it. Essentially all characters, both current and any new incoming characters, will find they will have an account already made and filled with Dream Points. There is also a Dream Card that will magically slide out of the side of the Dreamberry that can be used. Unless the player wants otherwise, characters will almost always have an adequate amount of Dream Points to use. It is possible for them to go bankrupt, but that's completely optional. As a currency rate guide, 1 Dream Point = $1 US. There is no reference list for prices, so players are free to come up with whatever they like. Just make it realistic.

    Also, the maintenance and any actual transactions can be assumed/handwaved.
  • More animals. Somarium practically has almost all of the common Earth creatures you would find roaming in forests and mountains. There are also the standard desert creatures roaming around out there, as well as Somarium native creatures.

    Some new animals to note are the horses and wild pegasus that can be found roaming around the floating mountain. Residents may also notice some of the farms and fields in the village to be occupied by more horses and cows than before, as well as other farm animals such as pigs, chickens, sheep, etc. And yes. There is also a lone bull in a field or two.
  • Scarecrows. The scarecrows are still alive and well. In fact they're a little too alive and well. They are taking their duties in guarding the fields a lot more seriously now, and some have been equipped with farming tools as weapons. While there are nice ones who would willingly give anyone passing by some fruit or vegetable, there are others who would be more than willing to chase any intruder down the next block. Some are stationary, some can move and walk freely, and some hop around due to only having an upper body attached to a stake. Feel free to have fun with them.
That should be it! If I've missed something or there is another question you may have about the recent changes, feel free to ask them here. I'm still working on revamping/organizing all of Somarium's info pages, so apologies on how long that is taking.

There will also be a few more official game changes within the next couple of days, so once those have been ironed out and implemented onto their respective pages, I'll make an announcement.

If there's something you'd like to point out or suggest while I'm working on those pages, feel free to send me an IM (Laenavesse) or an e-mail and I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for your patience guys!

!moon cycle, !overlord

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