Two things! First of all, all the lists have been updated!
First off, all the lists have been updated! Double check to make sure everything is correct and update your f-lists!
- Taken Characters: # - M | N - Z (Current character count is: 248)
- Player Contact (Current player count is: something.)
- Friends Add/Remove You can use the Admin Console here.
friend add chiavarone
friend add firstclassdream
friend add forged_anew
friend add heavenlyfinale
friend add ifeelsoepic
friend add invisibleeffect
friend add kagayakino
friend add kamikorosu_yo
friend add ouji_dakara
friend add retromodel
friend add sansdoucefolie
friend add shiroganes
friend add extravagances
friend add heroofooo
friend add insertcakiehere
friend add kairyuuha
friend add kase_ni
friend add kurosentai
friend add nimquesse
friend add redcladidealist
friend add unfearful
friend add wingedspectrum
friend add candidate_no_12
friend add cherishedstrife
friend add clonezart
friend add hinacle
friend add ieyasuuuuuu
friend add ischarming
friend add keptdown
friend add oneeyedragon
friend add pasodoble
friend add roseonrepeat
friend add stakemyclaim
friend add timesguardian
friend remove headsomewhere
friend remove namescorners
friend remove rainofheaven
friend remove 45defender
friend remove ferusleana
friend remove onethirdavarice
friend remove reflectivedawn
friend remove scaryoniichama
friend remove skyofhope
friend remove spearthis
friend remove theway2asmile
friend remove usachanman
friend remove wingedsolaria
friend remove beautifulmartyr
friend remove havemyflaws
friend remove jiggle_physics
friend remove kickable
friend remove princeclotpole
friend remove prophetizaya
friend remove stillneedsakiss
friend remove telestics
friend remove timetonegotiate - Residence
If we missed anything, let us know!
❖ MOON CYCLE 50 ❂ 01/18/11 - 01/24/11
Phase: 3/4 waning. Only a small quarter-sliver of the moon remains in the sky.
Weather: The dry cold continues with the harsh winds whistling through the streets. Most sane men and women are happy to seek sanctuary from the cold in their warm homes. The snow has stopped entirely, and the sky is a calm, gray overcast. Despite the cold, some of the ice appears to have retreated... or perhaps the ice has been redirected for other purposes.
Effects: No other effects other than what is noted below.
Notes: There are a few notes for this round, and we're building up to a pretty momentous and dark event.
- The ice, for the most part, has retreated. Broad patches of ice still remains, and here and there is a frozen tree or a frozen segment of stream. Overall, though, the ice has greatly diminished throughout Somni and Espoir. For the ice that remains, though, watch out - it's all black ice and nearly invisible to the average eye. Walking and getting around may be a lot easier, but tread cautiously nonetheless.
- The mountain is frozen in place. Even though the ice around the town and city is mostly gone, it's probably because the ice has been redirected by an unseen and unknowable force. The floating mountain can no longer be considered 'floating.' Instead, the black ice has arced up from the ground and grabbed ahold of it, locking it into place over the old sink hole where the floating castle once disappeared. How ominous!
- Ice damage. It is possible to attack the ice. In fact large chunks will fall away if enough force is used. However, like before the ice will slowly begin to reform again. Due to its size and volume, the process seems slower than before. But there is a lot of it, and it's otherwise rather resilient. Attack it all you want, but it cannot be completely destroyed.
- Teleporter pads broken. The teleporter pads that are usually used to get to the mountain will not function. The only way up there is to fly.
- Plants and wildlife are withered and dead. There is little to no wildlife to be seen around Somarium, and any grass that has reemerged in the ice's disappearance is brown, shriveled, and dead.
- Another dream! This is the second in a series of shared dreams this month. This time the Overlord has made an illustrious appearance. Does she mean for people to come to her despite the portentous signs looming overhead?
This week is the last week of calm before the storm, and a large event will kick into gear next Monday. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to comment below, as always.