Here's a few OOC notes about Lara's upcoming party for Women's Day. It's nothing much, really, but I just wanted to clarify a few things!
First off, ALL LADIES of Somarium have been invited, whether you know or not Lara and even if you didn't RSVP to her post. That includes new characters whenever they get in (backtagging is more than allowed and yay for time paradoxes). Although I'm going to post the party log tomorrow night, the party really happens on March 8th. Since this happens in Desmond's club, only characters 16+ are going to be allowed in, with underaged girls being marked on the hand so they don't get served alcoholic drinks. If you have a character that isn't 16 but could be mistaken for that age, just let me know. We can find ways to fudge up admissions, as long as the kiddos don't drink.
Secondly, if anyone of you has ever been to a club, you know how things can get out of hand quickly. This is Lara's intentions for the party. AKA get wild people. If there is anything stupid that you wanted your character to do, this is the opportunity for it. Alcohol is going to freely flow in the club, there will be loud music, so get your character drunk for the first time ever, dance on the table, do body shots off your waiter/bartender, kiss your bff, drunkenly declare your love for cute get the idea. All I'm asking is that you keep it below NC17 in the main comm and take anything over that rating to a private post on your character's journal. And it's also completely all right if you want your character to behave as well XD
Finally, while this is a ladies night out, a fun night is never complete without boys to hit on, to tease or troll on. So a few cute guys are going to be allowed in the club as waiters/bartenders. If you want to have your male characters in, just hit me on this post so I can add you to the list. But keep in mind that your character may be asked to dance with the girls, to drink with them, etc. Ladies, here's a lost of who might serve you that night (will be updated if needed):
failssassin -
partlyblackened -
hacksinundies -
walk_in_grey Feel free to plot anything between all of you! And if you have any questions, let me know!