Earnest to a fault, that's my girl ;) It was a lot of fun playing with you, and perhaps Adride can commit shenanery on The Hero Queen's behalf before this thing ends!
I'm so glad to hear that! Having the role reversal where Faelan needed her granddaughters to talk her down was also a major highlight. STOIC FACADE TOTALLY SHATTERED
LOVED THAT LIKE MAD TOO, and I might add in retrospect that it went VERY well with a major point of Dietrich's discussions with them. (About themselves, in fact -- not Faelan!)
.....so maybe I should get on a PEL. Perhaps I will remember to mark said point with an asterisk!
Comments 19
You were so delightfully earnest and reassuring as the Empress. That was awesome!! And I never get enough of that accent.
You looked frickin' GLORIOUS as, ahem, Snake Bitch. NO REALLY. I was hoping you didn't feel too rushed at getting that all out there -- IT WAS GREAT.
.....so maybe I should get on a PEL. Perhaps I will remember to mark said point with an asterisk!
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