
May 25, 2004 14:52

ahh..I feel disgusting..but today all and all was fun. I spent alot of my day worrying so much. I thought today was jasons last day and he wasnt going to come wensday and thrusday which made me jealous when he wasnt hanging out with me becasue it was our last day..but it turns out hes coming tommorow..I am also really really worried about this ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

high_josh May 25 2004, 13:20:37 UTC
you type to much guess what we win dododdoo you don't dododdoo we won


somelikeithott1 May 25 2004, 13:21:47 UTC
oh hahahaha..just wait till next year..just wait *shakes fist*


high_josh May 25 2004, 13:28:13 UTC
you should not shake your fist in defiance towards you supariours we will win for this time the trophy is our.


somelikeithott1 May 25 2004, 13:31:00 UTC
yea this time..but next time your goin down..we will win..you just wait!


shortandsexy May 25 2004, 14:17:25 UTC
This is Crysta if you didn't know. Brittany, I love you and I think this is just a phase that your going through so DON'T WORRY! Ya i'd love to go to the picnic. Maybe we can carpool.


somelikeithott1 May 25 2004, 14:56:56 UTC
yay..fun fun..im so addin you :)


shortandsexy May 25 2004, 14:59:52 UTC
I'm not gonna write on this...it's just for commenting


somelikeithott1 May 25 2004, 15:00:37 UTC
oh well I added you anyway.lol..


apex_plague May 26 2004, 08:46:57 UTC
OK...It seemed like no matter what I did, I would never satisfy Jennyfer's 1)Want to constantly be around me 2)Lack of trust in me, even though she was the one not to be trusted 3)Solving all her problems for her and making things better. I tried to help her, but I can't be Jesus Christ for her, I mean, I can't solve all her problems at the drop of a hat. I can offer her my help, advice and friendship, but nothing more than that. I have many many many problems to deal with this summer, and a lot of people have the same idea about having me deal with everything for them. I can try to help once in a while but 24/7 is kinda tiring. This doesnt mean, "nobody ask for help from andrew for the next millenium" it just means some people...like jennyfer...needed to back off and that's why I had to end it. Ok...getting too long...im gonna stop.


somelikeithott1 May 26 2004, 08:57:12 UTC
hum..I think I understand


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