What the hell??? Why did the school unblock LiveJournal?? I guess that's a good thing..but who knows how long it will last. Now I wish they would unblock MySpace. There's a new video on my website. It demonstrates the destructing power of an axe coming in contact with a DDR pad. Oh yeah. It's awesome. Anyways... Ich Bin Aus.Leave a comment2
If u would jump in front of a bullet for your girlfriend, boyfriend, x-girlfriend, x-boyfriend, BEST FRIEND, FAMILY MEMBER, or just a person u love, then repost this
Finally! I fixed [for now] my precious laptop. For the longest time, if you moved the power cord, it just shorted out, and to charge the laptop, you had to restart it. Messed up huh? Well, that part's fixed now. But, now there remains the problem of the DVD drive not working. Oh well....I'll just put that good ol' warranty to use again.
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yeah.....another week of boringness......im here at dougs house and we are playing games and crap....i had a good time at the football game last night, and i saw some nice looking girls, which really surprised me. we got our ass beat by powhatan, 49-0. And that was a homecoming game. Oh well...i never had too much faith in our sports teams to
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you know who you are.....yes, the one who i cared for, who i just wanted to be with for one second of the day, the one who pushes me off as if i were nothing to you. i just wanted to let you know it hurts, it hurts really bad. you just don't know how bad you did me in. i wish you could have at least said you didn't like me, and not have to give
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I updated my website tremendously in the past month, and also added a new journal type thing. it's an open-source php script, and it's just like livejournal. well, give it a try and comment on a post or something: http://blog.meinkleinewelt.comRead more... )