I've taken quite a few pictures with my Iphone and i figure it'd be cool to post some of my favorites up here. It does a pretty good job of showing what i've been up to anyway :) Enjoy in the Cut. The direct link to my Picassa is
http://picasaweb.google.com/jonccox/IphoneDump1# Snapped a couple shots of Hunter playing on my drum set this morning. He has more then an idle fascination with it, who knows maybe i can teach him a thing or two once i know a thing or two..
Last monday and tuesday I single handedly (well with the help of a boom lift and bill on the ground) decorated and strung lights for the 60ft tree in front of the Napa Hospital. It took about 15 hours total, here is the before, after, and various shots while I was up in the air.
The next one I took while waiting half an hour in at the Vallejo Kaiser hospital for them to glue my eye gash shut.
Here is our family thanksgiving dinner with the exception of the picture taker (me, duh).
Deep Fried Turkey McGuyver style! The fryer was faulty and kept on turning off, so scott and I devised a strategy to tape the starter button permanently on. This worked until the tape started melting off, so we jammed 20 magazines, a block of wood and a convenient pencil underneath it to ensure the flame stayed on. I assure you this was totally safe...
And lastly here is a shot of my boss Tom (on the right), and co-worker Cullen (the left) playing my Rock band 2 game on one of our 50" plasmas while at our tahoe retreat.
Thats all for now, hope you are having a good thanksgiving weekend :)