01) Nope. 02) To become a pirate. Still working on it. 03) I always wished I could play piano or guitar. Tried and failed in both. 04) A Royal Flush! Those go down like candy. Or, more realistically, a glass of Bordeaux or some other nice red wine. 05) Sugar snap peas 06) Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis was the last one I finished. The last one I was reading was The Brothers Karamazov, but it's not intended for that to be finished for a while yet
( ... )
Comments 4
35: Yes, I believe in God.
36: Already did! Go for it.
Nope. I'm student teaching - who has the time?
02) What was your dream growing up?
Video game designer. Swing and a miss.
03) What talent do you wish you had?
I wish I could play an instrument.
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
Either beer or a Captain and Coke
05) Favorite vegetable?
Glazed baby carrots
06) What was the last book you read?
Audiobook version of Diary by Chuck Palahniuk ( ... )
02) To become a pirate. Still working on it.
03) I always wished I could play piano or guitar. Tried and failed in both.
04) A Royal Flush! Those go down like candy. Or, more realistically, a glass of Bordeaux or some other nice red wine.
05) Sugar snap peas
06) Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis was the last one I finished. The last one I was reading was The Brothers Karamazov, but it's not intended for that to be finished for a while yet ( ... )
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