Supernatural so far - Spoilers

Mar 07, 2011 22:11

It's time for hellatus again. Supernatural won't be back until the 15th of April :-(

So far, I feel the season has been fairly underwhelming, especially after last year's epic storyline. Soulless Sam hasn't really worked for me, except for"Clap your hands if you believe" where Sam's snarky soullessness and reactions to Dean's plight was actually quite funny. The rest of the ep, though, wasn't.They could easily have skipped a few of the angsty eps and included more snarky soulless Sam instead. Unfortunately, just as the writers managed to really use it for fun, Sam got his soul back. Don't even get me started on the whole Dean-Lisa thing. Cas feels like exposition-guy, only showing up to give a few words of warning or help and then disappearing again. I haven't quite warmed up to Balthazar yet as he seems a bit like a more arrogant, less funny version of Gabriel. The only really decent ep so far this season has been "Weekend at Bobbys", ironically the only one focusing almost solely on Bobby and Rufus.

Poor Rufus. I really don't understand why this show delights in killing off the very best of their recurring characters. I understand why Lucifer and Zachariah had to go, and felt a certain evil delight at seeing them get their comeuppance, although I'm going to miss the great actors who played them. But Rufus, Victor Henrickson, Gabriel, Ellen just to mention some of them? I know you want to shock us, show, but why not for once give the boys some extra characters to play against for awhile, let us see how they react to people they've actually met before. There were so much potential in these guys and the viewers loved them. Instead you gave us Gwen and the rest of the family of uninteresting characters whose names I can't even remember. There was no evil glee in me when they were finally disposed of, just a "good riddance and can we please get to the interesting parts now?"

The villains this season have been underwhelming to say the least. Many of them have been plain ridiculous, like the skinwalker dogs or just boring like the vamps. It was great to have Crowley back and every moment with him was a joy, but again I felt his character was misused. Instead of the clever, intriguing, in-it-for-himself-only snake we saw last season, he seemed as just another dumb villain, using idiotic henchmen to do his bidding. I wanted so much more for him. At least we might not have seen the last of him and as Rufus was only buried and not burned I expect (dammit!) to see him in at least one more ep as a zombie!

Now I only hope the writers will finally start letting us know what's going on with the big, secret war in Heaven so we can get some more Cas! That's the only thing that can make up for an otherwise soso season so far. Castiel with an actual storyline of his own and more than five minutes of screentime per ep. I do get he just had a baby and the writers gave him time off for some time with his son, but I still want more of him! I'm not sure how much more Winchester angst I can take.

rant: tv, supernatural, spn

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