
Oct 27, 2005 16:57

Turns out there's a lot of crime IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD down the street. I found this out while writing a story on it, and now I'm hella gonna lock my windows all the time.

Murder Kills Innocence on South Bedford

Good for my first article though? I'm used to doing stuff about Britney and Top model, not hard news stuff. cherry_and_kiwi says I'm a real journalist ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

youareprettygay October 27 2005, 18:49:06 UTC
you're a real journalist with a good haircut.


cherry_and_kiwi October 27 2005, 21:22:48 UTC
baby, YOU the one who's gonna be famous ... i can't believe i knew u before u were a real journalist.


babychild3 October 28 2005, 08:35:52 UTC
you are ALL GROWN UP baby

don't forget us when you're covering oprah in jail


mandminla October 28 2005, 09:34:58 UTC
o-m-g, SOOOO moving! Having my car broken into on the 1600 block was enough! This scared little white boy can't take this anymore.


Home sweet home anonymous October 31 2005, 11:41:41 UTC
I bet you deliberately moved to that sketchy neighborhood just to dissuade stalkers from creeping around. So now you've got gunfire instead. Is it six of one and half-a-dozen of the other?

Please go back to Roebling. Despite the annoying hills it was a lot safer over there.

And where the hell have you been lately? What happened to the wehoho crew? What's going on? You just vanished and I'm suffering major withdrawal.


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