Right, update the second. Incredibly geeky this one. And pokémon related, of course.
I can't remember when i thought of this exactly, but it came about cause i was trying to remember the types of each gym leader and elite four member out of every game (which i did, incidentally. In one lecture ^^). I thought it would be 'cool' if i could get a load of people who play pokémon together so we could all sit and trade/battle/discuss and maybe have a sort of mini tournament. It was just a fleeting dream that was never gonna actually happen, so then i started to build on the tournament thing. I came up with this.
Each person who wants to enter (like 4-16 people) picks a type at random (there are 17 btw), through means of a hat, or numbers, or a complex randomiser system, or something, then trains a team of pokémon of that type (not exclusivly, like a steel team could have Steelix and Bronzong and that).
Each person would be allowed one legendary, and no pokémon could be used twice in one team.
The number of pokémon used on each team would be decided by the group, though each person could train and substitute as many pokémon as they wanted after each round.
Standard competetive rules would apply (sleep clause and all that). And if you don't know what those are don't worry, i wish i didn't.
Some types might be more broken than others (if you get flying or dragon it's pretty much in the bag) but meh, it would still be fun seeing a bug/dragon matchup. It's either going to be a slaughter on the dragons' part, or the best thing ever if the bugs win.
I thought it would be 'cool'. Kinda like if the gym leaders had to face off. And not in an 'end of GSC manga lets get them all in one place for plot-related reasons' way.
And i am aware of how sad this is, but people keep asking me what i'm thinking about and i can only lie for so long. At least this way i can just link them to my sad, overloaded thoughts and run away while they're reading. Also this way i can stop thinking about it, and deciding which pokémon i'd use for which type, and actually pay attention in lectures now.
Like i said i never expected anything like this to ever happen, i can't imagine many people are as into the games as i am (that i know/are willing to communicate with anyway) and could never organise it either. Just something to pass the time thinking about. Too much time, which is why i've wrote it down here. Thankyou LiveJournal, you wonderful brain extension you. Like Wikipedia, but for memory, rather than knowledge.
Right *dusts off hands* rest of life.
There's a very real possibility i will fail this year. I've missed a few c/ws already, and have a month and a bit to do 4 or 5, which i havn't yet started. I'm not fussed if i do either way tbh, if i do pass great, but if i don't then i'll just do another course, one i actually enjoy maybe XD
Things with me and Rosie are good. She does annoy me sometimes, but i do love her. Not gonna say we'll be together forever (who says that? that's just asking for a kick from destiny) but i have no intention of breaking up with her soon. We'll see. I'm happy with us anyway ^^
Went for a blood pressure check and heart/kidney scan last week. When i get the results back i'll put 'em up. Not in a getting robbed se-y'know what i mean. The doctor thinks i have acute hypertension, prolly cause both my parents have high blood pressure. Makes sense i guess =P
Jack bought Street Fighter 4 the other day. It's so difficult it's not even funny. Well the final boss (Seth, part 2) on arcade mode is anyway. The others are challenging difficult, he's break your legs and try to tapdance hard. It's love-hate, i love the game, up until him. Very good for multiplayer though. Actually Seth prolly isn't helping my blood pressure...
I have a lecture at 9 tomorrow, i should go to sleep. Stay indoors you guys. Unless you need to go outside. Later days ^^