This whole place was so trippy. It wasn't like the UG at all. People's willpower seemed to come an go on a whim, and even if there was a set of rules in place, Sho couldn't make hide nor hair of what they were. All he really knew was that dealing with drones was zetta easier than these defiant people. They took instruction well, the drones did. Ask them nicely, ask them rudely, they'd often do menial tasks without a single complaint. It was a shame they wouldn't steal for him, but Sho was comfy enough on borrowed materials. Then the Letter came:]
Mr. Minamiamoto, you have missed your past week of math classes. Please report to Mayfield Public to discuss your future.
[What. Math classes? But the answer came when he indulged on the letter. The drone principal was nice enough, and he now knew that he had a duty here...to spread the joys and wonders of math to the ignorant 000s of this ugly town!]
[Filtered to Math Class]
OK, radians! I'm Mr. Minamiamoto, but you can call me...
*he smirks a bit*
Composer. Yeah. Call me Composer. This whole town is nothing but one giant math problem, and it's up 2 me 2 solve it. I'll be teaching you all how 2 do it, so pay attention!
We'll start with a base level pop quiz! Anyone who gets <75% will fail, and face erasure. t = 30 minutes. Go!
[The quiz is filled with all kinds of insane problems that would give even college professors trouble. However, Sho's left an answer key on his desk. And just walked out of the room to use the bathroom.]