have you ever said FORGET THOSE PEOPLE who just HAPPEN to have your dna relationship? ... well that is me for this crissmass. i spen 5 LONG days 24 hours with them... *shudder* lets just say NO ONE should have that hell. i know people have worse fammly's then mine but mine is pretty insane. skye_ds ask if i wanted to go with her, but i did not want
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Comments 3
Judge not lest ye be likewise judged, worry about the two by four in your own eye before the mote in someone else's, pot calling the kettle black, and anyone illin up in a glass domicile shouldn't be throwin no rocks, etc ad nauseam...
my mom and grandman were just about singing my prases because i was the ONLY grandkid that was NOT fighting LOL. all i did is for once keep the fat trap shut :P
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