State of the Graham

Jul 15, 2010 14:34

Not much going on, but some good stuff.

Employment:  Still don't have any.  I appreciate the well wishing many sent for my interview with Annandale High School.  Sadly, that didn't pan out.  But, there are lots of other schools that I've applied to.  Only one other chemistry position, but I think I'm kind of ok with that as I'm starting to become more interested in studying and teaching math than chemistry anyway.

Health:  Through a combination of diet and martial arts 4 times a week, I've managed to lose almost 20 pounds.  This will be the first time in about 3 years that I'll be under 200 and it feels really good.  Plus, shirts are starting to fit correctly.  I've got the stamina to make it through classes without stopping for water (I only did this once because I was foolish and didn't bring water, but it's good to know I can do it) and I've almost got my reflexes back to where they were 6 years ago.  Or, at least enough to feel like I can hold my own in a spar against the black belts.  
Speaking of class... yesterday, I managed 50 push ups because I forgot to stop when I was supposed to.  20 knuckle push ups, 10 knife hand push ups, 10 diamond push ups, and 10 double width push ups.   This is more than I've been able to do in a single attempt period.  I'm quite pleased.

Hobbies:  Haven't done any chainmailing recently.  I kinda miss it, but I don't have any projects or weaves to play with.  Genealogy is going well.  A decent chunk on my mom's side has already been done (apparently I have ties to the Libby food through my grandmother).  Finally, and I can't believe this falls under "hobbies", I'm really enjoying playing with dice statistics and probabilities.  Currently, I'm playing around with Shadowrun style mechanics, but generating equations to provide accurate models is proving...  complicated.  Figuring equations based on at least one success was easy (see my previous post) but adding in data for glitching (both regular and critical) makes it much more complicated.  All of this makes me wish I'd taken a stats course in college.  (wonder if I can find some on the MIT website)
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