My "poorly dressed people" feed on Google Reader gave me this gem the other day...
Since I've been using my iPod a lot over my PC, I kept having to open the feed item and check the "keep unread" box until I actually got on my computer to save the image. Each time I opened it, I was torn between boggling and gigglefits. I am SO going to have to find a way to work this into my Mortal Kombat fic. Or make a humorous side story. That is just...too perfect.
If nothing else, at least it inspired me to bully my way through the final revision of my MK fic, which has been sitting around just WAITING for me to make final edits for...months and months now. I'm so ready to be done with this story. I just want to sit back and read and enjoy it.
Unlike most authors I know, I generally write only when I can't find a particular story that I really want to read. In this case, an ending for Mortal Kombat: Conquest. There are a few out there, but not nearly enough to keep me satisfied.
But I already have a sequel planned for it, and now a side story, and I have a Sailor Moon fic kicking around in my head and then this Ever After idea popped up out of nowhere. And next month is NOVEMBER, which means I'd really rather be in major writing mode than nitpicky edit mode.
Of course, this would all work much better if I didn't have all these overtime hours right now...le sigh.