Title : The Difference Between Us : Chapter one - Beginning genre : Romance, Drama rating : PG main cast : JeTi a/n : I miss blonde Sica :/ warning : my grammar is suck.
Anyway, I wonder why Tiffany rather going to a bar doing 'that' work than going to Sunny or Taeyeon asking for money. Like, duhh.... why did she even consider losing her body to some random guy rather than asking for help from a friend? tsk tsk Tiffany... >.<
Lucky Jessica was there to save her... and also paying her rent.
So far the story is interesting. I'm looking forward for more. ^^
wow.. i love it.. nice start.. is't this your 1st post?? or u already post it on soshified.. jeti is my favorite pairing.. <3 please continue.. update soon.. hwaiting!! :)
Comments 20
Anyways, loving the story so far~ Continue writing :D
lol... jk. xD
Anyway, I wonder why Tiffany rather going to a bar doing 'that' work than going to Sunny or Taeyeon asking for money. Like, duhh.... why did she even consider losing her body to some random guy rather than asking for help from a friend? tsk tsk Tiffany... >.<
Lucky Jessica was there to save her... and also paying her rent.
So far the story is interesting. I'm looking forward for more. ^^
Thx for reading.
is't this your 1st post?? or u already post it on soshified..
jeti is my favorite pairing.. <3
please continue.. update soon.. hwaiting!! :)
Thx for reading anyway :)
Jeti ftw! Lol i ship them.
lucky jessica was there...if not..can't imagine it >_<
jessica pay the rent for fany
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