1] Respect the members. No wanking, flaming, or hating. Email one of us if you see this. Users who wank or flame will be warned once and then banned the next time they do it.
2] There will be absolutely NO HOTLINKING. No one likes fail!links.
3] All posts MUST be posted to the community. No linking to outside entries. You MAY repost to other communities/journals.
4] If we find that ALL the links in your post are dead, we WILL delete your post. Members, if you find dead links, please let one of us know and we will delete it.
5] Please TAG your posts.
6] Graphics (of all sorta) that are larger than 400x200 (It can be smaller) must be under an lj-cut.
= (Read more...)
= (blahblahblah)
7] Full mp3 distributions are NOT allowed.
8] This comm is only for kpop ringtones. "Batches" may be posted and must include at LEAST ONE kpop ringtone.
9] Have fun & share! :D!