Title: Manga
Pairing: RyoKameUchi (Nishikido Ryo x Kamenashi Kazuya x Uchi Hiroki)
Words: 2 239
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which Uchi gets strange ideas from shoujo mangas, or so Kame thinks.
Notes: written for
jamie_spotty & beta'd by
pinkeuphoria1 :D
jamie_spotty, I hope you like this, lol, sorry it's so late >___<. Lol, thank you for requesting ryokameuchi, like I didn't even expect anyone to actualy take me up on that suggestion but you did and it was awesome to finally get a reason to write ryokameuchi ♥ I hope you like it! :D
Uchi is one of the few people who Kame really calls a friend, mostly because he’s managed to wiggle in and make a place for himself in Kame's life; he’s the one that will whine to and annoy Kame whenever he gets bored, never really taking no for an answer, but he’s also the one, out of all of Kame's friends, who makes him feel really irreplaceable. Like it has to be Kame and no one else will suffice. It’s like back when they were juniors, and Uchi was whining that Kame didn’t call him cute anymore, except they’re older now and it’s a bit different, but it’s still the same idea. Back then, the idea that out of everyone else, Uchi missed Kame calling him cute was touching; it’s still touching.
Kame's friendship with Uchi, back then and even now, had always been a casual one, but a close one as well; no matter how they grow up, or how they grow apart, it’s a friendship that can be picked up again as though only a few seconds had passed since they talked. Kame found that out through Yamanade…
…and after Yamanade as well, which is made evident when he comes home one day, and finds Uchi lying sprawled on his couch, watching a drama and bawling his eyes out. Kame stares in utter surprise, and when he realizes that he’s not alone anymore, Uchi tries to pretend he hasn’t been crying, and it’s such a pathetic attempt that Kame can only laugh.
“That’s sad,” he says, with a roll of his eyes, “I just heard you sounding like you lost your best friend.”
“I just might have,” Uchi replies with a pout.
“What?” Kame is understandably startled.
“Well, it depends on whether you kill my best friend, aka your boyfriend, for giving me your house key.” Uchi explains, “He figured you might say you’d kill him, but he’s sure that if he shuts you up the right way, you’ll change your mind.”
As this sinks in, Kame contemplates ways to publicly embarrass Nishikido Ryo.
* * *
Kame doesn't remember exactly when he started to fall for Ryo; maybe it was a sudden thing, like a jolt to the heart, and then he was in love with the snarky man, or maybe it was a gradual thing, so slow and subtle that he didn't even notice until he couldn't even begin to run away from his feelings.
Kame loves this relationship though; it's intense when it needs to be but casual when he wants it to be. Sometimes, they don't do anything but lounge around at their respective apartments, lying next to each other on the carpet or just on blankets thrown carelessly on the floor; other times, they're so consumed with each other, with each other's bodies, that they can't speak, intent on driving the other crazy.
That's why he's protective of his relationship, just like Ryo can be possessive of Kame. Strangely enough, despite that, neither of them have ever taken offence to each other's closeness with Uchi.
Uchi knows secrets that Ryo's never told anyone, not even Kame, and sometimes he confesses those secrets to Kame in little whispers, even when he knows Ryo can hear him. All Ryo does is sent him a scathing look before trying to hit the younger man, but not really trying. Uchi's just special like that.
Uchi is also able to get really close to Kame, whether physically or emotionally, and Kame will accept it like it's normal, and Ryo won't even bat an eyelash at it. And just like Kame isn't very affected by Uchi knowing Ryo's deepest secrets, Ryo isn't entirely affected by Uchi being the one person, other than himself, who Kame will never turn away. So, maybe, Uchi is just special to both of them.
"I hope you do realize that if I find out you've been handing out keys to my apartment like some sort of party favour, I'm going to kill you." Kame comments casually as he pulls at Ryo's shirt.
Ryo merely smirks as he feels Kame's fingers travel along his bare skin, "Did Uchi pass on the other part of my message?"
"And no amount of shutting me up the right way will make me change my mind if I find out that you've given Nino the keys to my place," Kame adds for good measure.
Ryo bares his lips into a sardonic grin, "Only Uchi has a key; he looked so depressed, and wouldn’t tell me what it was, so I figured you and your weird Yamanade rituals of pasta-making or whatever it is that you two do would cheer him up."
"He was on the couch, crying his eyes out over some romance drama." Kame reports blandly.
Ryo doubles over laughing, and that's not just because Kame's fingers just brushed over his ticklish spot that he refuses to admit he has.
Then, with a smirk, he's pushing Kame's shoulders down, falling onto the soft mattress as they exchange kisses that leave them both breathless.
No more words are exchanged, but they don't need to be; the only words that are important enough right now can be expressed through kisses, and fingers entwining as they become absorbed in only each other.
* * *
Kame can't help but laugh right now, as Uchi curls up on the other end of the couch, their feet knocking against each other’s. There’s some sort of anime playing on television that Uchi was insistent that they watch. Kame still doesn’t understand why, whenever Uchi is bored, he always ends up at Kame's place.
He also doesn’t understand why he hasn’t taken back that apartment key yet.
Right now, Kame is laughing because Uchi isn’t even really watching that anime anymore; he’s had his head buried into a shoujo manga for the past fifteen minutes. Whenever Kame pokes him, Uchi mutters and repeats whatever the characters he’s reading about are saying on that specific page. It amuses Kame to no end.
One thing about Uchi that will never change is his love for shoujo mangas. It’s a habit that most of the world is aware of, which Uchi is perfectly happy to ignore that the world is aware of.
Which is why, when Uchi looks up, his eyes all shiny and his head probably full of ideas from whatever is in this particular shoujo manga, Kame has a sense of dread fill him. But it’s okay; he’s gotten used to this feeling of dread. That’s what he gets for dating Ryo and being friends with Uchi.
However, when Uchi leans forward, puts a hand on Kame's arm and asks, “Have you ever thought about a threesome?” Kame can only splutter incoherently.
“Just think about it.” Uchi says with a grin; he then leans forward even more and pecks Kame on the cheek. Kame just sits there, staring blankly at him. Uchi laughs and hides behind his shoujo manga again.
* * *
Ryo is absolutely no help, Kame finds out.
Kame spends two days agonizing over whether or not to tell Ryo, in case he takes everything the wrong way, because Ryo can be pretty possessive sometimes. Although, he’s hopeful that Uchi won’t get killed, since Ryo's always had a soft spot for Uchi.
He doesn't make up his mind about telling Ryo about Uchi possibly liking him, and wanting in on their relationship, until he's pressed against Ryo, kissing the older man as they fall back onto their bed. He shouldn't keep a secret from Ryo after all, he decides, and it has nothing to do with the fact that Ryo kissing him makes him feel like confessing everything in his heart. Nothing at all.
But then, Ryo's hands run over Kame's body as they get lost in each other, and Kame begins to forget about what he means to talk to Ryo about.
Their kisses deepen, and Kame's hands are wandering too, so he completely forgets. Ryo has that power over him; Ryo demands his attention whenever they’re together, and Kame happily gives it. To be honest, Kame probably demands his full attention as well, and when they’re together, the world outside of the two of them doesn’t exist, no matter if they’re just sitting on the couch, enjoying a movie together, or…
Kissing, or…
Or just loving Ryo, Kame thinks. His next thoughts for a while revolve around Ryo, around loving Ryo. Maybe that’s why he’s so shocked about what Uchi said. It’s not that he’s against Uchi; after all, if there's anyone Kame is willing to share Ryo with, it'd be Uchi. In a way, he already does, though not in that way. No, what shocks him is that Uchi wants in on this world that’s always just been Kame and Ryo.
So, for now, Kame puts it out of his mind as he pulls Ryo closer.
It’s after Uchi invades Kame's apartment again that Kame finally remembers.
* * *
“Do I actually want to know what sort of mangas you’ve been reading?” Kame asks Uchi when he comes home and finds Uchi lying on his living room floor and reading a manga. He plucks that manga out of the younger man’s hands and examines it suspiciously, certain he would find something totally inappropriate disguising itself as an innocent shoujo manga.
He’s pretty sure shoujo mangas aren’t supposed to give Uchi ideas about threesomes.
“I haven’t been reading anything bad,” Uchi argues with a bright smile as he sits up, “Why?”
Kame doesn’t answer as he flips through the manga. He doesn’t find anything inappropriate; in fact, all Kame sees are pages and pages of the main female character pining after the main male character.
“Because you wanted a threesome,” Kame says as calmly as possible, “I still can’t get over that.”
Uchi merely shrugs; he attempts to grin, but it wavers and he looks down at the floor.
Kame hands the manga back to Uchi, and Uchi stares at Kame for a little while more. Finally, Kame can’t take the intense silence anymore, and stands up, picking up the bags of groceries he’s just bought, “I just bought food, I’ll make you something.”
“Pasta?” Uchi perks up hopefully.
“Pasta,” Kame agrees with a roll of his eyes.
It’s as he’s standing at the stove, stirring the sauce, that he suddenly feels arms enveloping him, and he turns around, startled. Uchi has his chin on Kame's shoulder. From what Kame can glimpse of Uchi’s face, he’s not smiling or laughing; instead, he looks almost depressed.
“I like you, Kazuya,” Uchi confesses in a whisper against Kame's cheek, “But I would never want to get between you and Ryo, and I wouldn’t ever want to take someone important to Ryo away from him, but you’re important to me too, in that same way and I…”
Kame isn’t sure how to react; he stands there, hesitant to move, as Uchi continues to confess.
“It’s not from an idea from a shoujo manga, or a whim, I really do like you - a lot.” Uchi admits softly, “This was my way of confessing, I guess, without making you or Ryo hate me for it.”
Kame's heart breaks a little for Uchi.
His own heart is torn. Uchi is a good friend of his, and he cares a lot about the younger man, but he’s not sure how to react to this. Uchi gets away with a lot from Kame; most people would have been thrown out of his apartment by now, after invading it so many times. But he’s not exactly sure if that’s the same thing as liking Uchi in that way. He’s not sure about anything right now.
“I didn’t want to get between you and Ryo, and I know you love him, so you probably don’t feel the same way, but I just want you to think about it, and…well, talk to Ryo about it too, I guess; I don’t know how else to deal with these feelings. I just don’t want to keep this a secret anymore, so that’s why I’m telling you.”
Kame closes his eyes, taking in deep breaths.
“I like you,” Uchi says in a low tone, “I’m sorry.”
* * *
“I hope you’ve realized, by now, that I don’t like to share.”
“Yes, I know,” Kame rolls his eyes as he lies against Ryo, “You’re a jackass, who I love for some really odd reason,” he pauses, “And probably for some very stupid reasons as well.”
He laughs after a moment. Predictably, Ryo gets all flustered at the mention of feelings, and then he tries to clumsily hide it with a self-confident smirk.
Kame grins, "No wonder Uchi thought it’d be safer to suggest a threesome. He probably figured you’d probably get too embarrassed at the idea of needing to express your feelings about this to try to murder him.”
Ryo scowls at him and punches Kame’s shoulder lightly, “Just know that I don’t plan on welcoming just anyone, or everyone else, into this relationship.” He threatens quietly, leaning in to kiss Kame, “You’re totally mine.”
Kame returns the kiss, and as the doorbell rings, they pull apart, “I know,” Kame says with a smile, “But Uchi’s special right?”
Ryo merely smirks and releases his grip on Kame; Kame takes that as a yes and goes to open the door and let Uchi in.
--- END ---
lol, so, I remember reading somewhere, like a long time ago, really long time ago, a few years at least, that Uchi liked reading shoujo mangas or something, and I'll be eternally amused by that XDDDD Which is where this idea sort of came from. I hope you liked it! :D
Title: Stage
Pairing: RyoKame (Nishikido Ryo x Kamenashi Kazuya)
Words: 2 758
Rating: PG-13
Summary: College students!RyoKame. Maybe their rivalry was just a mask for something else
Notes: written for
leigh1381, and beta'd by
pinkeuphoria1 --
leigh1381, I'm sorry for the extremely lateness of your drabble >< but I hope you like it. Haha, you didn't really specify what kind of college students they'd be, so I kind of just made them drama/Arts students XDDD It seems to fit lol, hope you don't mind :DDD
When Kamenashi Kazuya entered university and was accepted into the drama program, the art department cried. It took all but five minutes, in his first class, for Kamenashi Kazuya to attract the attention of second year student Nishikido Ryo, who had been auditing that class. The two of them, in their conversation that had somehow turned into an argument, had in that short time managed to ruin three different scenery sets that the art department had provided for the drama department.
Since then, there was a clear and acknowledged rivalry between the two.
"You have to admit," Tanaka Koki commented as he surveyed the auditions going on below where they were sitting, high up in the amphitheatre, "He really outdid himself this time. I mean, that was a great performance just now."
Kazuya didn't answer; instead, he kept his eyes trained on the stage as Nishikido Ryo's audition for the summer production went on. The man's voice echoed in the amphitheatre, even up to Kazuya and Koki who were sitting up near the very top.
"I'm surprised he went for the secondary part," Kazuya commented after a long while, "It feels strange not competing with him for the main role."
Koki laughed, "Don't go hunting down a mural or background set so that you can make up for the damage you and Nishikido usually do, alright? I don't need extra work to do."
Kazuya merely grinned, though his smile dropped when, for a moment, his eyes met Nishikido's despite the distance. From where he was on stage, Nishikido stared at Kamenashi for a while, before a familiar, almost condescending, smirk made its way onto his face. There was something odd about that though, something different; it didn't piss off Kazuya like it normally did.
"Do you think the rumours are true?" Koki asked in a low tone, "You know, about him. The entire department’s talking about it."
"That he's transferring out of the drama department and that he won't be here in a few months?" Kazuya asked calmly, "Maybe, who knows. It would explain why he chose a smaller role this time; why would they let someone who's just going to leave the department have all the glory, right?"
As Kazuya watched the audition, he felt a strange pang inside of him. It was wistful, it was bittersweet, and he had no idea why he felt this way.
* * *
In the time he had been at this school, and known Nishikido, Kazuya had had an ongoing rivalry with Nishikido, who was his main competition for roles in the school productions. It seemed that no matter which role he chose, no matter if it was mediocre or one of the leading roles, Kazuya would have to compete with Nishikido. In that case, one of them would always end up as an understudy, further fuelling the competition between them.
Which was why, when Kazuya heard the rumours about Nishikido, he hadn't believed them at first.
He finally believed them when, one day, he passed by an empty classroom and heard a familiar voice. He stopped, the script for the summer production rolled up in his hand.
Kazuya didn't even realize he had walked into the room, slipping in almost silently through the door, until he heard Nishikido address him; "What is it, Kamenashi?" the other asked sombrely.
Kazuya startled; for some reason, there was a pang in his chest and he gripped his script tighter in his hand.
Nishikido sat on one of the desks, carefully playing a guitar, creating a beautiful, melodic sound to go along with the notes of his own voice.
"I hear you're transferring out of the department," Kazuya finally said, unsure of what else to say.
"I am," Nishikido answered, a sardonic smile on his lips, "Happy that I'll be out of your hair and stop fighting you for the parts you want?"
Kazuya didn't know what to say to that; technically, he should have been happy, but he felt…conflicted.
"Why?" he blurted out before he could stop himself, before he could let Nishikido see how much this was bothering him.
Nishikido smirked a little, putting down the guitar pick, "I've decided to go into music." he declared with a simple, casual shrug, "So, don't worry; I'll still be close enough to make your life difficult. Though you must be pretty weird if you're going to miss me insulting you all the time."
Kazuya bristled, but rolled his eyes, "I was just curious," he retorted before turning on his heel and beginning to leave the room.
He paused, though, "By the way," he bit out, "Don't flatter yourself into thinking that you made life that unbearable for me. Wouldn't want you to get a big head from thinking that," he sniped.
Nishikido merely smirked and Kazuya left the room in a sour mood.
However, for a brief, probably insane, second, Kazuya thought he had heard a small sigh before guitar chords filled the air again.
* * *
Kazuya walked out of one of his more theoretical classes, holding a paper he had just been handed back, and promptly stumbled when he saw Nishikido leaning against the hallway. The older student lifted himself off from the wall, and made his way purposely over to Kazuya.
"What do you want?" Kazuya asked warily.
"For you to practice your lines," Nishikido retorted, waving the production's script in front of Kazuya.
"This will be the last production I'll be in as a drama student. If I participate in future productions, it'll be as one of the music department's students, and probably not on stage. I'm going to make sure you do this decently."
Kazuya stared, before his lips curled up into a sarcastic smile, "And do you honestly think I'd need your help?"
Nishikido didn't even pause; he merely smirked, "We've been forced to practice together for all past productions, being each other's understudy and all, so I figured that the only way you'd be able to actually do well is if I'm there to practice with you. You should take me up on my offer; it's probably the last time you’ll do well up on that stage."
"Yes, because your presence is just so important to my acting." Kazuya remarked dryly.
Nishikido merely let a smug grin cross his face.
* * *
Weeks later, and they had made a habit out of practicing their lines in their free time. The rest of the department - as well as the Art department, whose professors and senior students had cringed upon hearing about this practice - was surprised to find out that they had spent a lot of time in the same room for hours on end, and yet, nothing had been broken and no arguments had broken out. Nishikido tended to get on Kazuya's nerves a lot, and Kazuya, when it came to Nishikido, tended to throw things, most likely a habit from playing baseball.
A few days before the production started, they were practicing again, secluded in an empty theatre; most of the others had gone home for the day, but the two of them remained, practicing even though they both knew that neither of them would forget their lines at all.
"Nishikido," Kazuya said shortly, though there wasn't as much ire behind it as there would have been a month ago, "I know it's a difficult concept to understand, but it says clearly that my character is merely shutting out the female lead to protect her…or something."
Nishikido rolled his eyes, "Use your imagination a little, Kamenashi."
"I am not imagining an implied affair on the side with the evil villain character," Kazuya said promptly, firmly, "He's supposed to be shutting her out because of his issues, that's what it says in the script."
"Supposed to, supposed to," Nishikido mocked with a smirk, "You're also supposed to not challenge a senior student's authority the first day you're here, and yet you did that."
Kazuya bristled, "That was different."
"All I did was compliment you." Nishikido argued.
"You told me that it was remarkable that I didn't piss off more people with my looks!" Kazuya shot back.
"And I suppose that's when you decided 'hey, I'm going to piss that guy off and prove him wrong'," Nishikido smirked, leaning back, "See what a huge influence I have on your life and your acting?"
"It had nothing to do with you!" Kazuya rolled his eyes, trying to refrain from snapping like he wanted to, "But speaking of things people aren't supposed to do, people aren't supposed to transfer to another discipline when they're only a few months away from graduating."
And Nishikido was - that was why the rumour was still discussed so much. Nishikido was only a little away from graduating, and he was one of the more prominent students in the drama department, yet he had suddenly decided to transfer to the music department. This change meant that he would be at school for at least another year. Music and drama were under the same department of Arts, and they shared a number of classes, so that meant that Nishikido really only needed to take a few more courses to graduate, but…
But it was still strange. Normally, students transferred out and switched disciplines in their first two years, when they discovered that they weren’t good at or didn’t like their discipline. Nishikido was the opposite.
Nishikido fell silent.
"I have my reasons," he said finally in a quiet voice.
Kazuya stilled.
"Like what?" he almost couldn't keep the wariness out of his voice.
Somehow, he felt he was treading in dangerous waters; he and Nishikido had been spending more time together lately, arguing less - though still arguing, but…there was a look in Nishikido's eyes that looked almost…
Vulnerable, he suddenly realized.
Kazuya looked down, looked away, looked everywhere other than at Nishikido, "Let's keep practicing," he suggested in as calm of a voice as possible. His heart pounded in protest, but Kazuya ignored it; it was just crazy.
* * *
Once, long ago, Kazuya had admitted to himself that he might have admired Nishikido; of the many performances that they had been in together, he had realized that Nishikido was a great actor, an amazing actor, which was what made his transfer into the music department so puzzling. It was odd how he had decided to transfer so far in his education; Nishikido was practically guaranteed a leading role in the final production that the graduating students were supposed to put on, the production that guaranteed talent scouts in the audience.
Even his future classmates, the music students, were perplexed at the idea. The music students would, of course, be helping out in the production, and they were more than confused as to why Nishikido would throw away such an opportunity.
Nishikido didn't seem to care; he was putting all his efforts into the summer production, in which he and Kazuya were, for once, not fighting over their roles. Half the time, they both aimed for leading roles - and often, the same role - which led to one of them being assigned as an understudy. For once, that wasn’t happening; they had both chosen different parts to audition for. It was odd, but Nishikido actually seemed to be happy to be in his secondary role, ignoring everything else around him except for this one production.
And no matter how many times Kazuya asked, Nishikido didn’t ever explain why he had even tried out for the secondary role instead, shrugging at his questions.
The day before the opening night of the summer production, the two of them were practicing once again; Kazuya had long been resigned to the fact that no matter what he said or did, he wouldn’t be able to lose Nishikido as a practice partner. He had even begun to enjoy it, if not for those random, awkward and vulnerable moments in which they sat in content silence and Kazuya's heart decided to act like an insane madman, beating like there was something to be excited about.
Kazuya lay on the stage, resting during a break in practicing. He looked up at the lights shining down on him, an arm across his stomach, just staring into those blindingly bright lights.
He didn’t know when he had started to love looking up into these lights like this; it was like, when he was under these lights, staring up into them, he felt like time slowed and he was free not to think about the future, and that only the now mattered. Only the stage mattered.
All of a sudden, Kazuya felt someone settle next to him. He didn’t even have to look to know that it was Nishikido, and he was proven right when the man’s face suddenly appeared in his vision. Suddenly Nishikido was the center of his world and those bright lights he had been admiring were merely a backdrop.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” Nishikido said calmly, staring down at Kazuya.
Kazuya blinked in confusion.
“You’ll get caught,” Nishikido continued.
And those words were very familiar, like a distant memory brought to the surface, and suddenly, Kazuya said slowly, “It could be worth it.”
These words were from one of the first productions Kazuya had ever been in, back when he was in his first year, and both Nishikido and himself had been cast in small speaking parts. They hadn’t had enough seniority back then to warrant being placed as anything but those roles; it was strange how both of them had risen above the rest of their year together, by competing with each other. It was like each other’s presence had always allowed them to strive to be better, to rise above, and their competition with each other had made them shine a little brighter than the rest of their classmates. Their struggles with each other just made them shine all the brighter, Kazuya supposed.
Back then, their roles were as secondary characters, and those lines were from one of the few scenes where the audience’s attention was concentrated solely on them instead of the leading roles. But, they had performed their parts well, enough to be congratulated by their professors afterwards, to be considered for future roles afterwards.
“What’s worth it?” Nishikido continued, and he was supposed to continue without waiting for Kazuya to answer; except Nishikido was moving now, edging closer to Kazuya, and he had placed his hand on Kazuya’s heart; Kazuya suddenly felt his breath quicken; this wasn’t how the script had gone.
“This?” Nishikido was supposed to say money, riches, but…
Kazuya could only stare up at Nishikido, aware that Nishikido felt every beat of his heart against his palm.
And then, Nishikido had leaned down and his lips were against Kazuya’s; lying on the wooden floorboards of the stage, with bright lights shining down upon them, Kazuya almost kissed back, his heart pounding almost painfully against his chest. There was never a question, or doubt, about whether he should be doing this; he just…
Breathless, they drew apart, Kazuya stunned and surprised, and Nishikido wary but confident.
“I…what…” was all Kazuya could manage to say.
Nishikido smirked a little, “Remember what I said about using your imagination?” he asked with a small laugh; his mouth was still so very close to Kazuya’s, so Kazuya felt the warm breath on his lips, “Well, imagine that I took a secondary role because I wanted to be on the same stage as you for one last time.”
Kazuya’s breath caught in his throat.
“And I just wanted to make things clear, you know, before I leave. Don’t feel like you should do anything you don’t want to if you don’t feel the same way, just to spare my feelings or whatever; that’s why I chose now to do this, so that if you feel like you hate me even more, you won’t have to ever see me after this if you don’t want to.”
He stood up slowly.
“Nishikido,” Kazuya said, standing up with him, “You’re a jerk and you totally piss me off.”
Yet, he didn’t hesitate to grab Nishikido by the wrist, pulling him back toward himself, so that their lips could meet in another kiss. A moment later, they drew apart far enough for Kazuya to speak again.
“So, just shut up,” Kazuya continued as though he hadn’t just done that, despite the fact that both he and Nishikido were pretty breathless right now, “Shut up.”
Nishikido grinned at him, leaning in.
-- END ---
I hope you liked it!! lol, idk, i just like imagining them as drama majors I guess, since I love both of them and their acting <3 so it just felt more natural to put them in an Arts major role or something :DDDD So, yes, really hope you like it and that i didn't fail too badly XDDD
Also, that's the last of the drabbles, yayyy <3333 Thank you everyone who requested for being so patient with me, even though I was so very late with most of these drabbles ><