As of Tuesday night at 2:30, we are done filming Deja Vu. Premiere is May 8th (7pm at the conference center across from the HGTC grand strand campus). I want everyone to come. :O
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Much to everyone's surprise (and even my own), I managed to make it up to Raleigh this weekend for DIC2. While I've probably never performed so poorly in a tournament in the past couple years, I still had a lot of fun
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In interest of getting something new, (and playing WoW on it, heh) I think I'm going to try and sell my laptop. I'll probably part it out on ebay, but if anyone is interested, they can snatch it up first.
P3 1ghz 256mb ram 20GB HD Nvidia Geforce2 Go 32mb video card 15" 1600x1200 LCD DVD-rom/CD-RW drive